Chapter One

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Traffic was as busy as the sun seethes the morning roads dry. And a individual in her car is dicing up all her anger on honking the car upfront of her.

'New York isn't a tropical continent so why is it so hot today?' Lyle groans in frustration as the traffic light turns yellow. Suddenly her phone starts to buzz, she takes it off the holder and answers.

"Yo, wassup?"

"'Wassup?' Lye, your too old for old generation stuff."

She forgot to look at the caller's name but she knew who the son of a gun is. "What is it, Beth?" she said as she drive when the light turns green.

"Nothing. Just pick up the pace because we have got a lot of work to do."

She rolls her eyes in a annoyance. Lyle instill in her mind that this colleague of hers knows she was on the list of teachers who were given a week vacation for the month of March. She really needs a break from those little devils.

 Lyle was a aspiring nurse graduate of 2025 and waaccepted at Saint Anna's Hospital but she got so angry at her superior's inequality in the workplace. She left the job and settled to be a preschool teacher, though she enjoyed the experience of teaching little one to color and write numbers. Disappointed that she gave up nine years on studying away in a course she couldn't even be responsible of, she still instills nursing in her job as a preschool teacher. She was appointed as the school nurse and she still she teaches but when duty calls, she is there to help.

She was now on vacation because she pleaded her principal to let her take a break. She was on the list so she is now on her way to the mountains or forests.

"Beth, I know those little 'angels' aren't that too much  of a hand but please can I enjoy my vacation? It's hard to watching and teaching those kids while being an on the radar nurse across the whole facility." She sighs, "Just let me have this, ok-"

A car abruptly stops on her front and a baby cries from it then another car stops from her left side cause a crash in front.

"What the?"

She slows her van down and stops it completely. She looks around and saw most of the vehicles in sight as unmoving. She steps out and checks up on each one. Most of the cars were empty and even though they were on, the drivers in them were now long gone.

She checks the road under the overdrive she was in. All the vehicles in site were in still on their places. She walks back to her car when she hears baby cries every where. Though she drove a van because of her things. She hesitantly grabs the door to her van.

"They'll probably die from the heat inside if I- OKAY!" She mumbles to herself and checks every car again for the cries. Including every truck even. She safely tucks eight babies to her van and drives down to the low part of the drive way and checks for baby cries or even children. She spots four kids exiting a vehicle and catches up with them. She lowers her window and shouts,

"Hey! You four! Come here!"

The four children sights her and run to her crying was evident on their faces. They were about ten to five years old and they were explaining their mom and dad disappearing inside while they were driving home.

"Ok I'll find a way to keep you all safe. Come in, I'm not a bad person."

They nod and got in. She spots two teenagers, and she again finds a baby in one of the vehicles.

"Okay, here's the deal. I don't know what has happened or whatever happened but you all have to stick with me for a moment of time until we get to see how many more kids are out there stuck in one those vehicles so you two stay inside here and watch over those sleeping babies. You four watch with them and no ones touching anything inside this van, understand?"

They all nod but one of the teenagers raised their hand. "Why are you collecting kids? I mean, not to be offensive really.""

"Because your children, and I am a teacher and a nurse so it's kind of my duty and I want to help."


Lyle searched every car and vehicle. Took all necessities and the ones she found. She sighs and remembers her colleague Beth, "Oh shi-" She said and abruptly calls her number on her phone, the number rings and then it got answered but it was not her twenty four year old colleague.

"Hewo, Miss Lie?"

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