Chapter Seven

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We'd left the carriage in the village and trekked up the hillside. I'd summoned Fluffy who happened to have tracking skills. He led the way while Sara and myself rode behind on the skeletal horses of a couple of my death knights. Fluffy slowed as we approached the nest at the top of the hill. We got off of the horses and I used a silencing spell so that we could pre-emptively attack the beast. 

The path was along a hidden crevasse and as we moved closer we began to come across the bones of livestock. Sara bent down and took note of the carcasses. 

She studied them for a couple of moments before saying, "I believe we're dealing with something unique, these claw marks are stronger than a Cockatrice. They've ripped through the flesh, muscle, sinew and even bones in a single slash" she said her voice low. "Perhaps it's a lesser dragon or an advanced Wyvern. I'd recommend that while we maintain a distance from its claws, we cut off any possible aerial escape it might make" she added her voice still hushed. I nodded, I could easily create an impenetrable field that only those with death magic or those that were being controlled by death magic, could pass through. It was quite an advantage for a necromancer.

We came across the creature while it slumbered. I sent Fluffy back to my inventory and told Sara to stand back. It was a dragon, though it certainly was only the smaller side. As I came closer to it I recognised more details of it.

It was a red dragon with black stripes over its head and body, its wings were almost paper thin and judging from the contortions in each of them, the bones in the wings had most likely never formed properly.

I then realised what this dragon truly was, a runt. Most runts were killed by their parents or by the stronger siblings. Yet this one was alive and thriving somehow.

I put up the death field above us before I searched my spells and found the list for beast-taming spells. I found the perfect spell.

The eyes of the dragon suddenly shot open and I quickly cast the spell. Our minds were suddenly linked, our lives momentarily linked as well.

The dragon stood up and growled but didn't attack me. It circled me and eyed me suspiciously.

"A human dares such a spell against the might of a dragon," it said its voice deep and frustrated.

I smiled and began to match its pace, "I am no human" I told it which caused it to stop and seriously study me.

After a moment it said "Indeed you are not. Are you perhaps a fallen archangel?" It asked me in all seriousness and its tone seemed to become more casual.

"I have a close relationship with the triad of gods" I told him my tone serious.

The dragon seemed to become like a lost puppy and began begging for its life, "please, don't slay me?" It begged and the backbone it had previously showed suddenly seemed like a different beast.

"I'm not going to kill you dragon, I wish to offer you a worthy life" I told it which seemed to perk its attention. It raised its head and while it seemed interested at first it suddenly became defeated and lowered its eyes from my gaze.

"I am not worthy to serve such a mistress. I am but a sickly dragon, I managed to to escape my mothers nest before she ate me by sheer dumb luck" it told me before sighing. "I cannot fly as my wings are weak, my flame doesn't burn my breath as it does with others of my species" it told me as it pawed at the ground with its deadly sharp claws.

I walked over and placed my hand on its long face. I stroked my hand along its scales.

"I don't see you that way dragon. I see your potential" I said softly as I ran my fingers along its scales.

"Can you make me stronger?" it asked me genuinely. "I would owe you a life debt and would be honoured to serve you, if you can indeed make me a name to be feared" it told me.

I cut the spell that was keeping the beast from killing me, the dragon stood tall but did not attack me. 

I could see Sara ready to cast protective spells, "Stand down Sara" I called out to her.

The dragon looked at her, "A giantess! and she serves you! You must have great power" he said seeming to become excited at the sight of Sara.

I looked at the dragon, my eyes full of conviction.

"Sara is my friend and serves me loyally. As does my legion of undead" I told the dragon. 

"A necromancer" he stated seeming to have a distaste for them. 

"The mistress is a powerful necromancer and also an incredibly powerful Beast tamer. She tamed and evolved me to multiple different forms, she even gave me a physical form. The mistress is on par with the very gods themselves in my opinion" Sara called out as she approached us.

"You can change the very form of creatures?" the dragon asked me perplexed at how I had such an ability.

"I am a god slayer" I told it, announcing my eventual level cap. 

The dragon jumped back in surprise.

"It is not my goal though, my goal is to bring peace to all beings of this land" I told the dragon as Sara stood beside me.

It was hard to tell but the dragon seemed pleased with that. It smiled showing its teeth.

"Name me and I will serve you with honour" he told me lowering its head to me.

I slowly walked towards the dragon while thinking of names. A dragon needed a mighty name, especially since it wished to be well known and to have its name go down through the ages.

I stood beside the dragon and raised my staff, "I name you.." I began and stopped for emphasis. "Belile".

The dragon began to glow ominously and a loud humm started to sound throughout the area. Sara quickly moved backwards, I did not though. I climbed the dragon and sat on its back. The glow grew brighter and the dragon felt a great power run into its body from my own. 

"This power is immense" it called out and the walls of the large crevasse shook and began to crumble. "Belile" the dragon said loudly to me and began to chuckle. "I like it, a powerful name" he said and laughed. The glow grew brighter and then suddenly a beam shot out and into the sky.

Belile had been a weak dragon with a low level but now his level shot up rapidly as did my own. My own level stopped on seventy-five while Belile's  level stopped over one hundred. By the time the bright beam cleared up Belile's level was one hundred and five. The black stipes were gone, his red skin changed to black and his stipes changed to red. His size was far larger and his wings appeared mighty with strong blades at the tips. Even Belile's eyes were more intense now. 

I was seated on his back and held onto his scales as he blew a purple flame high into the sky. Belile had gone from a weakly and sickly Red dragon to now being a mighty Emperor dragon.   

Reincarnated As A NecromancerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora