Chapter One

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My first life wasn't the worst but it was over sooner than I'd have wanted it to be. I'd finished high school and was in that awkward stage of being a young adult. I worked a part time job at a fast food restaurant and in my spare time I skateboarded or rocked out on my guitar like the punk rock goddess I knew was at heart. I didn't think I'd be killed by a drunk driver.

There I was skating along the bike lane, wearing a helmet and jamming out with my headphones in. Then out of nowhere, BAM! A truck swerved and hit me. My neck snapped and I was dead before I even hit the ground. 

"Well, that sucked" I said aloud which surprised me. 

Here I was, in some kind of board room. There was a weird layer of mist throughout the room and three seats at the far end of the table. I walked towards the three empty seats and sat down in the closest. Maybe I was dead and this is the afterlife.

I sat there for I don't know how long before putting my feet on the table.

"That's a really bad habit" A girl said from a seat that was across from me. I jumped, I hadn't noticed her there. She was wearing a very Victorian era style purple dress but what had my attention was the odd pigtails she had. There were six pig tails made of her blond hair, each curly and thick.

I immediately took my feet off the table which was followed by the deep chuckling of man who was seated at the table beside me. He was bald apart from a thin layer of black hair and bushy eyebrows. He appeared to be chubbier and and had more than one chin, which shook as he laughed.

"She's messing with you, Belle" he told me as he stopped his deep chuckling. I looked at the girl who went from a serious face to a broad grin. I didn't find it funny though, I had no idea what was going on or where I was and so was finding the situation serious. I chose to be polite though and smiled, awkwardly.

"Don't worry, Belle. You're not in any kind of trouble. In fact it's quiet the opposite. We want to offer you a new life" the girl told me, playing with one of her pig tails and not looking at me.

"What's the catch?" I asked. The balding man and girl looked at one another, not saying anything.

The man cleared his throat before saying "here's the catch, the world we want to send you to is in chaos and we need someone to bring order. You'll be given powerful magic and great gifts". It was obvious that he was trying to win me over.

I didn't think I had any other options but this was sounding like it would be a lot of hard work. 

"You could choose to just pass on and live in paradise but if you do choose this quest and complete it, we'll gift you one thing you desire" the girl told me as if she was reading my mind. 

"You can choose you're own gifts if that helps" the man added.

"I'll do it" I told them smiling. They grinned widely in response to that.

The mist rose around the end of the table and another chair appeared there. Seated in it was an elderly man. His hair white and long, It flowed towards the ground much like the mist, as did his long white beard.

"Hello young lady, I am the god of reincarnation. I have no name as don't the gods here" he told me indicating the balding man and girl. 

"I am the god of creation" the balding man said introducing himself.

"And I'm the god of destruction" the girl told me smiling kindly. 

The elderly man reached into his beard and pulled out a scroll. He unfurled it and placed it in front of me. I looked at the man's beard, curious as to whether he had more stashed in there.

"You may choose three gifts" he told me, tapping on the paper. I leaned forward and skimmed over the paper. 

"This one" I told the man.

"You will have the gift of beast taming" the elderly man told me.

I thought for a moment, looking over the paper before pointing and saying "This one".

"You're quest will begin with resources in your inventory" he said aloud.

I read the paper slower and took my time to choose the last gift, eventually I pointed to one.

This time the man looked at me, unsure, "are you sure, Belle?" He asked me, not sure whether I chose the right thing. I nodded.

"Very well, I shall grant you this final gift and one of my own as well. My gift to you will be this orb" he told me pulling a glass orb from his beard. "When you are conflicted or in need of guidance merely glance upon the orb and you will be granted an audience with one of the three of us" he told me handing me the orb.

"What was her third choice?" the god of creation asked the god of reincarnation. 

"Won't you be surprised" the god of reincarnation told the other gods before clicking his fingers and sending me on my way.

Reincarnated As A NecromancerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon