Chapter Two

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I woke up face first in a field of grass. I turned over to look up at the sky. The first thing i noticed was the fact that there was two moons. I'd arrived in this world at night and was looking up at the night sky and in it was two moons. One a golden jewel and the other an ominous blue.

"Todo we're not in Kansas anymore" I said out loud to myself. 

"Welcome to Todorah. To access your stats simply say character stats" a very Siri like voice said inside my head. 

"Character Stats" I said aloud and the world seemed to freeze around me. I could see a screen in front of me with my stats. 

"Level one Necromancer, Belle De Fugue" I read out loud. "Aren't necromancers the bad guys?" I asked no one in particular. 

"Necromancy is simply a class of magic. How magic is used will lean users allegiance towards evil or good" the Siri like voice explained. "Currently your allegiance is neutral" she told me which I then read in my stats. 

"That's great and all but uh, who are you?" I asked the disembodied voice. 

"I am an artificial intelligence granted to you by the god of creation. Each god has granted you a personal blessing. I'm here to answer any questions about your new skills that you  may have and to help you transition into this world" she told me as I read my stats. Then I saw it. The third gift that I had chosen. An ungodly level cap that would be almost impossible for any person to reach. 

"God slayer" I read the name aloud. "yes, God slayer is the potential level cap given to you as your chosen gift" the voice said. 

I shook my head "Can I name you?" I asked the voice, annoyed that I didn't know how to refer to it.

"Yes you can, as perk of your beast taming gift you..." the voice said before I interrupted with "cool than I think I'll name you Sara".

Suddenly pain shot all through my body and I fell to my knees.

The voice announced "Sara has evolved from artificial intelligence to Sage guide". 

"You didn't tell me that naming you would hurt so much" I told the voice, frustrated.

"You didn't let me finish explaining that naming something as a tamer links it to you as a beast. That first physical link will drain your MP and HP" she told me, her voice much less robotic. 

"That's just great" I told her as I read my now heavily depleted HP and MP levels. I had begun with one hundred of each and was now down to only twenty of each. Suddenly the numbers shot up. 

"Level up" Sara announced and I saw my stats more than double. I looked at my level and it was now three. "Naming me and causing an evolution has given you enough experience points to level up twice which resets your HP and MP to maximum" she explained. 

"You're now also able to summon two skeleton warriors to assist you in battle" she added. I looked at them in my stats. Their points were ridiculously low. There was no real point to using them for battle. They'd die rather quickly. 

"How do I access my inventory, Sara?" I asked the disembodied Sage.

"Simply say access inventory" she told me.

I did as she said, "access inventory" and the screen in front of me changed to one with items in it. I went through the details of each item carefully. There was a dark robe blessed with undead enhancements that was wrapped around black armour. A staff of twisted black oak with a red ruby atop it and runes imprinted along the side of it and lastly there was a pouch with the glass orb in it as well as fifty gold coins.

I looked at the coin. On one side there appeared to be a very regal looking man. If I was correct he was of the Dwarven species. On the other side of the coin was a human man wearing a crown that looked too big for his small head. I placed the coin back in the pouch and placed the pouch in an inner pocket of the dark robe.

Now armed with the staff and dressed in the armour and cloak I set out and crossed the meadow, finding a road. Well more of a dirt track. I peered each way.

"What should I do now?" I asked Sara. 

"You can go right and level up by yourself or go left and join a party at the nearest adventurers guild" she told me giving me the options. "If you join a party you will level up quicker as you can join quests of a higher level" she added. 

I made up my mind and began to walk towards the nearest town. I came across a few people along the way however they chose to keep to themselves. 

After a good night of walking I arrived at the gate of the village. Two guards were standing out the front. 

"State the business you have in our town" a burly guard asked me.

I smiled up at the guard, "to join the adventurers guild of course" I told him. The guards took in what I said but looked up and down at my armour. 

"We need more guild members Rob" the much more skinny looking guard told the other guard.

The burly guard sighed, "as it's you're first time here we'll let you in for a small fee" he said placing his hand out for me to put money in. I reached into my robe and took out two gold coins.

Placing the coins in his hand I told him "I hope this will suffice" he looked at the glimmering coins and gave them back. He stepped close to me and said. "This is too much miss. Since you have so much gold on you we'll let you in for free. Spend some in town and we'll call it even".  He stepped back and after nudging the other guard they stepped out of the way and the gate opened. 

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