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THUNDER RUMBLED as the trio entered the dark palace, their heels clicked at every step they took, it looked nothing like how Vivianne's father explained it to be,it looked more 'welcoming' then terrifying

"Is this our stop or?" Grover looked at the two and his question was shortly answered when a not-so tall man approached the three

"Hey fellas welcome" the man threw his arms up with a bright smile planted onto his face it was creepy to the girl

"It's great to meet you, i know who you are you know who i am so we can just skip this part right?" there was no way this was Hades, the girl thought he was maybe one of the Gods servants from how short he was

"Can I get you anything? Fresh pomegranate juice? A snack?" Grover was feeling quite parched and hungry from all that running they did earlier

"Actually if—" the satyr was sternly cut-off by the blonde boy "My mother." he went straight to the point

"Boom straight to business" Hades tried to lighten the mood, it unfortunately did not work the air was getting very tense and it was starting to make the girl feel very icky

"I admire the cut of your jib, little nautical reference for you,i see you" the man put a finger in-front of his face with a smirk

"Where is she?" The god almost let out a little chuckle but kept it in "Right okey doke, let's get to it you're mom's just over there" the kids followed the man into what looked like his living room

There stood a golden statue which reminded Vivianne of Percy when they were in the tunnel of love and how he turned to gold she shuddered at the thought, snapping herself back into reality

"You've come all this way, don't be shy"

On the other hand the blonde boy stood there in silence, he couldn't believe his eyes for the longest time he thought his mom was dead and now there she was frozen in gold just like he was days before, "Mom?" his voice cracked a little while goosebumps crawled up his back before he put back a stern look onto his face

"What did you do to her?"

"Uh...saved her life" Hades scoffed as if it was obvious, to everyone else she did not look alive
"You know, typically getting crushed by a Minotaur is a terminal diagnosis. I snagged her for y'a just in the 'ta-da' nick of time, so that you could come and see me and here we are"

Hades smile softly dropped, "You give me what you got and i'm giving you what i got"

The kids looked at the bag that was held against Percy's back, "I-I can't give it to you" the blonde shook his head

"Ah see there's a quid and a quo here"

"The bolt doesn't belong to you, your plan almost worked. You and Ares managed to steal the bolt, trick me into bringing it right down and giving it to you, but it's wrong and i won't do it so all i can do is ask you to do the right thing too, please..let my mom go" the boy's eyes softened as he shifted his eyes to his mom

"Huh?" confusion was written all over Hades face


"Who..who tricked Ares into doing what?"

"You're in cahoots with Ares to secure the bolt" Percy said as if it was obvious, which it was to the three kids but not to the god

"I'm not in cahoots with Ares, i seldom 'cahoots' the bolt is my brothers drama i don't want any part of it"

"You don't want it?" the blonde held the bag in his hand

"No" Hades slowly shook his head

"Then what do you want?" Vivianne added confusion was laced in her voice, he was wasting their time and it was annoying her

ENCHANTED BY YOU   -  percy jackson Where stories live. Discover now