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TIME FELT AS IF it stopped for Vivianne, all what was on her mind was Percy, she wondered if he was alive and okay. Although she was mad at him for pushing her down the stairwell she still wanted to see him

When something upsets the girl she shuts herself out and stops talking, she knows it's obviously not a good thing but she can't help it. There she was watching her two other friends converse within each other as she positioned herself on the sidewalk

The flashing lights of the fire-trucks and the ambulance were blinding her eyes as she attempted to shield it with her hands but failed. "Vivi you good?" Annabeth noticed her strange quietness, the girl didn't say anything instead she gave Annabeth a small smile and nodded her head

"Okay guys I think we should go and look for Percy now"

Vivianne's face brightened at the name of the boy, dusting herself off she got up from the pavement and followed her two friends near the lake, where they were greeted with a soaked Percy who was climbing up the fence

The soaked boy awkwardly put his hand up "Hi."

"Uhm look im sorry about shoving you in the stairwell...oh god even hearing myself say that sounds bad but i knew you wouldn't agree and there wasn't enough time..."

Vivianne stared at him for a couple of seconds before walking (practically running) up to him and embracing him in her arms, at that moment everything stopped, she didn't even care if the water was gonna ruin her hair

"Don't ever do that ever again, you hear me?" her voice broke and Percy smiled before wrapping his arms around her waist and tightening the hug

Grover cleared his throat causing Vivianne to let go of the boy and awkwardly walk to where Annabeth was "'re not as dead as we thought you would be"

"Surprise" Percy put his hands up in the air

Annabeth opened her mouth to speak "So..what happened down there?" her finger pointing towards the lake

"Short version...we need to go to Santa monica" Grover's jaw dropped "What like now?" The blonde nodded "My fathers gonna meet us there, he's gonna help us"

Grover awkwardly chuckled "Okay uhm just a small problem with this plan...the police think we crashed an amtrak train and then did that" he pointed over at the monument that was now broken

"The..the cops are after us" Percy looked over at Vivianne for confirmation to which she gave him a tight-lipped smile while slowly nodding her head

                                    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The group of four were now walking on a road in the middle of nowhere, Vivianne and Percy were squished in the middle of Annabeth and Grover as they walked side by side for hours in silence before Percy couldn't take it anymore

"Hey guys, i think this quest might be harder than we thought, i've been thinking i didn't steal the master bolt you guys didn't steal the master bolt, we're pretty sure Hades has the master bolt but he couldn't have stolen it by himself. I mean we don't even know who actually stole the thing or why, or how deep this goes" The first half of what he was saying got Vivianne interested until he went on

Everyone gave him a look "I'm the last to realize this aren't I..?" Grover nodded "yeah.."

The blonde boy sighed "I think maybe when we started my head wasn't fully in this, but since the river it all feels different to me..he saved me. My dad, i guess i just really never thought that's something he'd do for me so maybe i got to take things more seriously" Percy went on

ENCHANTED BY YOU   -  percy jackson Where stories live. Discover now