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THE SMELL COMING from the back of the bus was horrendous, "this is disgusting i don't know how much longer i can put up with this" vivianne almost gagged the smell made her wanna puke, "there is no way, this is what a sacred smell is" percy was now covering his nose

"we're not soldiers on a mission, we're not on vacation" replying, annabeth rolled her eyes , "thanks for clearing that up" sarcasm laced in vivianne's voice

"but if this is so important, why didn't chiron spring for plane tickets?" the three kids gave him a are you serious look "percy it isn't only the monsters who are gonna be trying to stop us, you're a forbidden child zeus might decide to take a shot on you himself, the sky is his domain" grover stated

"okay i'm gonna go get us some snacks" annabeth got up from her seat, but was stopped by percy "i'll come with you" she glared at him "no, you'll stay right here" his mouth hung open, "why? it smells terrible back here" vivianne nodded, agreeing with the boy, "monster's can't smell you through that, so that's where i want you"

percy raised his hand in the air, "i wanna vote, who here thinks we should all get to breathe fresh air and buy our own snacks?" vivianne shot her hand in the air, she was sick of smelling whatever the smell was, "there's no voting, vivianne" lowering her hand back to her lap she went back to looking out the window

"i don't think you should decide we don't vote" annabeth ignored him "chips and sodas okay for you guys?" percy was still not letting this go and it was making vivianne very annoyed, "i wanna vote on whether you get to decide" annabeth groaned and looked over at the other two "can you guys help your friend?"

slowly clapping grover opened his mouth, "i really don't wanna be a tiebreaker, i have a better idea" he started to sing "oh golly, the roads getting bumpy..""dude what are you doing" vivianne tore her eyes off the window and stared at the boy in front of her, "it's the consensus song, verse two encourages us to say nice things about each other" annabeth let out a sigh, "chips and soda okay for you guys?" percy crossed his hands on chest "whatever"

Once annabeth was out of their sights percy spoke up again, "our voting system is broken" vivianne yawned, she was starting to feel very tired looking over at the blonde boy she whispered, "can i sleep on you?" his face flushed a light pink color, "huh" shaking her head she responded, "like lay on your shoulder until we get there" percy nodded scooting closer to her, as she dropped her head onto his shoulder and closed her eyes

"Guys you need to open that window now!" annabeth came charging towards the three, percy shook vivianne awake, "i don't think these windows open" grover yelled, vivianne looked at the front of the bus to see a fury coming towards them she acted quickly and pulled the bracelet that luke gave her off

The bus alarm started to go off and everyone on the bus evacuated off, "vivianne annabeth let's go" percy motioned for the two girls to get off, the fury got close to where percy and vivianne were, the girl took her sword and threw it on the fury causing it to disappear

Vivianne and annabeth jumped out of the window landing onto the pavement, "woah did your bracelet just turn into a sword?" percy helped her from off the ground "yeah it was a gift from luke" she slipped the bracelet back onto her wrist, "oh" dusting his clothes off he replied

The air shifted, percy's smile slightly dropped  and he went silent,  the girl could sense his emotions and decided not to bring it up, the group of kids were now walking through a satyr path, "i cant feel my legs, i don't wanna walk anymore" vivianne whined dragging her feet

"please stop whining, the quest will get harder then this" annabeth snapped at the girl, she was also getting tired "how are we gonna find a phone?" percy  left his conversation with grover and asked the group , "what would we need a phone for?" vivianne tiredly asked "to get help" he said as if it was obvious

ENCHANTED BY YOU   -  percy jackson Where stories live. Discover now