Chapter 1-2: Perpetrator

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In the dimly lit room, a persistent echo reverberates beside Eldon's ear

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In the dimly lit room, a persistent echo reverberates beside Eldon's ear. "Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!" His eyes flutter open, greeted by the soft glow of sunlight sneaking through the closed curtains. Lying beside him, Aure's mobile continues its morning serenade. With a groan, he reaches over, snoozing the alarm.

Pushing off the comforting warmth of the blanket, Eldon rises from the bed, his body stretching and yawning in unison. His gaze lands on the wall clock.

"7:55 am."

Leaving the room, he walks into the kitchen. There, he quenches his morning thirst with a glass of water before sitting on the couch and turning the television on.

A somber news anchor fills the screen, "Tonight, we bring you a tragic development that has left our community in shock. a dedicated supervisor at Neupo Construction, Mr. Virani Erickson, was found dead in the parking lot of the company's flagship branch. According to eyewitnesses, gunshots were heard late last night, prompting a swift response from local authorities. Passersby discovered Mr. Virani's lifeless body, and the scene was nothing short of chilling. Forensic reports confirm that four bullets had pierced Mr. Virani's head, leaving no..." The chilling report is cut short as Eldon switches off the television, leaving the empty glass on the table before walking back to his room.

Meanwhile, within the hallways of Neupo Constructions' flagship branch, two policemen follow an employee. He takes them to the control room.

This technological hub buzzes with activity, walls adorned with screens showcasing various camera angles. Below them, a long table laden with computers stands as the command center. More employees sit there, their focus on the screens.

A policeman's voice cuts through the hum, "Could you please show us the recordings of the incident from last night?"

The employee on the seat hesitates, "Um, sir... about the recordings..."

The policeman's patience wears thin, "What is it?"

"Sir, I... I'm afraid the recordings were overwritten."

The policeman's anger erupts, "Overwritten?! You must be joking! That's the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard!"

"The... the system overwrites the recordings every nine hours, sir. The... the recording you're asking for... it was overwritten an hour ago."

Fear ripples through the employees as the policemen seethe in anger.

On the television, the news anchor says, "We've obtained additional information regarding the tragic incident at Neupo Construction. Regrettably, the CCTV footage that could have provided crucial insights is no longer available. It appears that the footage has been overwritten, which is a standard practice for many surveillance systems to manage storage. As a result, the identity of the perpetrator remains unknown."

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