Chapter 1-4: Departure

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Eldon Jimary

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Eldon Jimary

I stand up from the chair and extend a hand towards Aure. "Get up. Let's watch some TV. I'll prepare something for you to eat. And, please, let's leave the past behind."

She continues to stare at me, her expression blank. What is so complex about this situation? Why does she resist understanding my logic?

"Are you going to get up?" I ask, stepping closer to her, maintaining steady eye contact.

Silence. She just stares. Not even a blink. I tighten my jaw and grasp her shoulders. "I'm giving you one final chance. Stand up and exit this room. Our conversation... it should remain confined to this room. If it ever escapes, the consequences will be dire."

She finally blinks, snapping back to reality. Yet, she looks at me with a vacant expression. Is she frightened of me? Does she fail to comprehend that my actions were for her benefit? She just doesn't care, does she?

"Enough," I exclaim, seizing her wrist firmly and pulling her off the bed. "You align yourself with your own adversaries and act as if I'm the villain... That's inexcusable."

"Please, stop..." she whispers, her nose sniffling, and resisting my pull.

I disregard her plea, dragging her out of the room. Then, I push her onto the couch. Her mobile bounces and falls to the floor. "Sit here." I pick up the remote and change the channel arbitrarily.

"Look at me, Aure," I command. She continues to stare at the television, sitting upright, but rigid. "Liam will be home soon. I don't want you to persist with this. If anyone learns the truth, I won't be able to protect you any longer."

I await her response, but she remains silent, her gaze fixed on the television as a man with fake blond mustaches and a purple suit begins speaking, "Welcome, welcome, welcome! To all the ladies, gentlemen, and digital explorers out there, we're thrilled to have you with us on 'The Simulation Arrest'!"

"Aure... Aure! So, now this show holds more importance to you than our relationship. It's clear to me that you have no interest in this conversation," I state, standing beside her.

Her chin quivers and she looks up again, attempting to hold back her tears. With a shaky voice, she whispers, "Please, go... Leave me alone."

The man on the television continues, "Now, let's talk about what's at stake. Each of our daring participants is already a winner, walking away with a cool million just for stepping up to the plate. But that's not all! The one who conquers the simulation will be taking home a staggering 10 million dollars!"

My attention shifts from Aure to the television. I take a step back and question myself, "10 Million Dollars?! This absurd show is distributing real money?!"

Aure picks up a cushion and clutches it between her arms, attempting to soothe her overwhelmed eyes.

In front of me, the front door swings open. It's Liam. He observes me standing in shock beside Aure and then looks at Aure who's attempting to hide her face but her red eyes clearly narrate a tale.

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