Chapter 8 Suspicions

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AN : (Don't forget I have selected songs to play while reading as well just to match the vibe ya know)

Ashley woke up the next morning. It was still early,
and her dad was fast asleep. Determined to uncover the truth about Peter, she quietly made her way downstairs to her dad's lab. As she entered the lab, she scanned the room, gathering all the necessary gadgets she might need.

Carefully choosing a tracker, a hidden camera, and a hidden microphone, Ashley also grabbed one of her father's sunglasses, which had Jarvis built-in. With this special eyewear, she knew she could easily locate Peter.

As she packed the gadgets into her school bag, Ashley couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves. This was her chance to uncover what peter truly got up to when no one was watching. She quickly made her way back to her room to change out of her pajamas and into her school clothes she made sure to wear all black to make it harder for Peter too see her if it came to it.

Once dressed, Ashley ventured into the kitchen, where she found her father cooking her favorite breakfast - pancakes with syrup. Tony, made sure Ashley had everything she needed. But today, she had a secret agenda, and her father had no idea.

"Made you pancakes and syrup, hun," Tony said, sliding the plate over to Ashley as she hopped onto a stool at the kitchen island.

"Thanks, Dad," Ashley replied

As Tony continued making coffee, he asked Ashley if she had everything she needed for school. Little did he know that her school bag contained more than just textbooks and pencils.

"Yeah, I have everything," Ashley replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Good stuff, kiddo," Tony said, pleased with her response. "Well, I'm going to be in the lab today with the Avengers, still working on finding Ultron."

Ashley nodded, her mind already occupied. She just wanted to finally know the truth about Peter.

Ashley quickly got her shoes on and he coat and made her way to the door

"Cya dad" Ashley shouted to Tony at the other side of the room

"Uh where do you think you're going so quickly" Tony said

Ashley stood in her tracks she was scared Tony might've noticed what she was up to

"W- what d- do you mean" Ashley stuttered nervously

"Come here" Tony said pulling her into a hug

"You need to loosen up kid, I just wanted to say...I'm sorry for being so harsh on you recently" Tony admitted while patting her back

"Oh um it's fine" Ashley muttered

"Now go on get to school I won't keep you here any longer" Tony said chuckling

Ashley sighs in relief, but she wasn't out of the woods yet. She had to play it cool and act as normally as possible. After all, she didn't want to raise any suspicions.

Ashley walks into the school and heads towards her first class of the day, her heart racing in anticipation. She was so close to finding out Peter's secrets - she could practically taste it!

His missing peice (a Tony stark daughter/ Peter Parker story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang