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"Wow," Cress breathed, her jaw dropped. "I have to say, even though I'm a Camp Half Blood girl, New Rome is gorgeous."

The terraced gardens, the fountains and temples, the winding cobblestone streets and gleaming white villas, the bushes of roses... it was like Paris and actual Rome had a baby in California.

"It's just so romantic," she gasped, gripping Jason's shoulder as she pointed at the sky. "It's a dove!"

Jason laughed, glancing down at Cress through his lashes. Although they had only met a couple of hours ago, it was like they were best friends. Cress was so easy to talk to, so easy to get along with. She was friendly and kind and just so accepting, truly one of a kind.

"What's your deal with doves anyway?" Jason asked with a smirk. "I mean, you come down flying on that massive thing, and—"

"Don't disrespect Joli." Cress tsked, bumping her shoulder into his. The sun reflected off of her cheeks, highlighting every feature of her beautiful face. "He was a gift from my mom for my tenth birthday. She said it was so I could go anywhere I wanted."

Her brown eyes glazed over fondly, and Jason couldn't help watch her face slip into a peaceful contentment as she talked about who she admired most: Aphrodite.

"Alright, Lovebird." His words slipped beyond his lips without his brain processing it, but Cress didn't bat an eye. "I'm surprised Aphrodite didn't make it pink and cover it with bows and diamonds."

"That would be cute, but I have a pink bunny. Her name is Rosie." She held up a finger as Jason opened his mouth to talk, shaking her head through a giggle. "Don't say anything. I was, like, five, okay? She's basic, but she's pink."

Jason held up his hands in surrender, stifling a chuckle. "I wasn't gonna say anything."

Cress hummed doubtfully as they walked through a garden.

"The Garden of Bacchus," Jason commented. "I don't remember much, but I remember this."

Grapevine trellises made a canopy overhead. Bees buzzed through honeysuckle and jasmine, which filled the afternoon air with a dizzying mix of perfumes. Cress raised her hand and fragrances pumped through the air, leaving Jason in awe of what powers Aphrodite children truly possessed.

In the middle of the terrace stood a statue of Bacchus in a sort of ballet position, wearing nothing but a loincloth.

Cress had to let out a snort. When Jason looked at her with a confused frown, she shrugged. "I mean, you've seen Mr. D. Or, I'm assuming. I don't know much about you, really."

Jason let out a puff of air. "Yeah, same here." He shifted uncomfortably, trying to look anywhere but at Cress. He was afraid that if he did look at her, he wouldn't be able to stop.

Although it seemed like it, he didn't pick Cress to go on a tour with him because he thought she was beautiful—and she was, anyone with eyes could see that. But, truly, he was intrigued. She seemed so fascinating, his interest peaked as soon as she made her grand entrance on an oversized bird into the middle of a, quote on quote, war one.

She was brave and daring and her charmspeak was the most powerful he'd ever seen.

She seemed nice and sweet, and her laugh sounded like a lullaby.

And Jason really, really wanted to get to know her.

"I..." he cleared his throat nervously. As if she could sense his uneasiness, Cress took his hands into her own. Instantly, her touch filled Jason with a sense of calm and strength.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄° ! jason graceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant