10 - Getting a call to join a Elite Force

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a few days earlier...

Kaz walked into his room to see all of Cody's stuff cleared out. everything she took looked like it wasn't even here. He looked on his bed and saw a not that read:

Dear Kaz, 

I am so so sorry for what happened to Mighty Med. I'm the one who dragged you out to beat Mr. Terror and as a punishment for my irresponsibility, I am leaving. I am joining the League of Heroes and staying in New York so I can't hurt you anymore. 

Mighty Med was my home, I lost everything, and I was the cause of it. I fell for her trap and in turn it ruined our lives. I Miss you already. I'm sorry that I left so suddenly, it breaks my heart to stay away. but I believe you'd be safer if I did. 

I hope you find a way to take her down. My mission is to warn any superheroes that may still be out there. i love you more than anything. I'm sorry that I let you down. 

~ Much love ~

your bestie, 

Cody Cosmo

Kaz shed a couple tears as he read the note but as soon as he put the paper down, his phone rang. It was a random number but it didn't say spam. Kaz put the phone to his ear and listened "hello This is Kazimieras!" Kaz said 

"Hello, Kaz! this is Donald Davenport! I heard what happened to Mighty Med. I am so sorry. I have created a new team for us to find and take down the villains once and for all. I need you, Oliver and Skylar, to meet me at the train station in New York city and i will take you to Centium City where you will have a new headquarters and new teammates." Donald Davenport replied.

"Okay, I'll tell them. Thank you." Kaz said 

"You're welcome. be safe." Donald sighed before hanging up the phone. Kaz immediately went to pack everything he owned in as little suitcases as he could. he dragged them down the stairs before his mom stopped him. 

"Where do you think you're going?" she asked.

"I got a internship with davenport industries." Kaz smiled .

"Wait really? That's awesome!" His mom said hugging him. "Well go on ahead, I have you siblings to take care of." 

Kaz let out a sigh of relief as he made his way out the door.  He walked to Oliver's house and didn't even knock. 

"Oliver. Pack your bags now." Kaz demanded.

"Kaz? what's going on?" He asked as Kaz shook his head. 

"Donald Davenport recruited you, me and Skylar to join a new team!" Kaz said with a smile "we will finally be able to find out what is going on with the villain activity.

"No way!" Oliver grinned before rushing to pack up all his stuff. he loaded his suitcases with everything including his medical textbooks superhero and normo, cause you never know when that's going to come in handy. 

"We're joining a team?" Skylar asked as Kaz and Oliver nodded. 

"Sweet!" She said before rushing home to pack her limited amount of clothes into a pack and meeting Kaz and Oliver at the bus stop. 

Oliver rushed to pack. His mind frantic if his mom ever chose to come back.

"Budy, you'll be alright." Kaz said helping him with his bags. Oliver fit as much as he could before zipping up his suitcases and following Kaz out. They dragged their stuff to the bus stop and waited in the heat for an hour before a bus finally came. Kaz tipped the driver 5 dollars for helping them put their stuff in the bus.

On the ride to the train station, Kaz was dead silence. Oliver and Skylar were talking, when Oliver noticed how silent Kaz was.

"You're still upset about Cody?" Skylar asked

"Yeah... She just left. she left a note on my bed saying she joined the League of Heroes, and she's going to stay there. I may never see her again..." Kaz said before starting to cry.

"I'm sorry Kaz... I know you really liked her." Oliver said putting a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "You'll see her again someday, maybe even sooner than you think." 

Kaz forced a smile. 

"Yeah. you're right. I need to pull it together." Kaz said before taking deep breaths. Kaz then gets sad again.

"Kaz? what is it?" Skylar questioned, taking his hand. 

"She thinks the destruction of Mighty Med was her fault. she blames herself. But she really had no control over what would happen." Kaz said gloomily. "It breaks my heart. She should know it's not her fault."

"She'll figure stuff out. you just need to give her time. She grew up in Mighty Med. She lived there almost her whole life. "She lost a lot." Oliver replied as Kaz sighed once again.

"Yeah, you're right. This is pretty tough on her." Kaz sighed as the Taxi drove us to the train station. They offloaded all their luggage onto the sidewalk and helped each other out of the taxi. Still depressed about the destruction of Mighty Med, weighed heavy on them all. they will find the person responsible.

Kaz, Oliver and Skylar were greeted by Donald Davenport, who had a cool car next to him. 

"Hey guys! you ready?" He asked as the three of them nodded and loaded into the car with all their luggage. the car then blasted into the air and flew them all the way to Centium City. Once they arrived at the penthouse Kaz, Oliver and Skylar looked around in awe.

"Wow, this place is so cool!" Skylar smiled.

"This is awesome!" Kaz said jumping on the couch and propping his feet up,

"Hey! new guy! what are you doing?" Donald scolds as Kaz sits up straight immediately. "Don't put your shoes on my furniture." He said before walking upstairs to the master bedroom.

a couple hours later, Donald came down with a projector that projected a hologram mask of the Elite Force Symbol.

"Mr. Davenport what is this?" Oliver asked.

"This is the symbol for your new team. Its called the Elite Force." Donald smirked as Oliver, Kaz and Skylar smiled at the name. it was great! They had a new home, and it would take some getting used to but this is home. they were now part of something much bigger than they planned for. The were worth something. 

They were an Elite Force!

The Elite Chronicles - Book 1: Defenders of Mighty MedWhere stories live. Discover now