3 - Never Leave a Cosmic Superhero Out in the Cold

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Kaz was sitting on his desk chair, he was working the afternoon shift with Oliver and Skylar.

He was spinning around in his chair. "Ugh! I'm bored!" He complained. "Who knew a slow shift would be so boring!?" He whined as Cody walked in with her clipboard.

"What's up Kaz?" She asked as Kaz looked at her.

"You know just... living the dream. If the dream is working till your brain explodes."

"You're bored again, aren't you?" Cody asked in annoyance and a not at all surprised.

"So bored!" Kaz exclaimed. "Nothing cool has happened in like 3 hours!"

"Well Skylar... this is all you need to know about Kaz." Oliver joked Cody smirked before using her Telekinesis to make a pin fall on him. 

"Ow." Kaz said pulling the pin out and putting it on the counter "why would you do that?" He asked, in annoyance.

"That wasn't me." Cody smirked pulling the front strands of her hair in a small ponytail on the back of her head. She then using her telekinesis to tip Kaz' chair over causing him to fall out of his chair. He hit the ground with a thud.

"Ow!?" He said sitting up and looking at her.

Cody giggled "that one was all me." She grinned evilly as Kaz scrambled to his feet. 

Kaz made a scared face "Stay away from me! stay away from me!" He said running off and Cody ran after him.

"Oh, come on! really?! Come back here!" Cody laughed, immediately running after him.

Skylar looked at Oliver. "Are we just going to let them go?" she asked. 

"Works for me," Oliver retorted as his eyes never left his laptop. 

Kaz ran back into the room minutes later with Cody still chasing him. She rushed to him and tackled him to the floor. "Ha! Pinned you!" She spoke.

"Cody let me up!" Kaz snapped as Cody rolled her eyes. 

"Fine..." She smirked getting off of him. She walked to her desk and sat down. 

Skylar smirked at Oliver who also smirked. They hate each other so much it must be true love. "Yeah, this is so painful to watch! you argue like an old married couple and you flirt 24/7! Just Kiss already!" Oliver complained. 

"What?! first of all, no we don't. second of all, huh?!" Kaz exclaimed in disgust.

"Yeah, you obviously like me! no... I take that back. You LOOOOOVEEE me" Cody teased, with a smirk.

"You should really shut the fuck up." Kaz snapped in embarrassment. 

"Heh heh! you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!" Cody laughed.

"Oh, shut up Stray Cat!" Kaz laughed.

"Kaz, don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't think you were that much into girls." Skylar smirked.

Kaz Looked up and made a face tilting and turning his head slightly before straightening it. "Well since we're on the subject I didn't think you were that much into guys." Kaz lifted his arms up as if saying 'really?', taking a step towards her with a grin.

"Kaz!" Cody exclaimed as he just raised both of his hands up in surrender.

"Hey, I'm genuinely curious to who's stronger physically, Kaz or Cody? I think it's Cody." Oliver smirked.

"It's definitely me." Cody grinned smugly.

"Don't let your ego skyrocket." Kaz scoffed "Like you're stronger than me," 

The Elite Chronicles - Book 1: Defenders of Mighty MedWhere stories live. Discover now