1- An Old Friend Comes Back to Town

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Cody Cosmo had always kept to herself. Ever since she was a child, she had to deal with the stress of being the next Great Superhero. when she didn't meet the expectations of all the heroes who were inspired by her destiny, she thought that going into hiding was the best option.

She moved out of the city when she was very young to protect the people she cared about. She left her best friends Kaz and Oliver, much to Kaz' disappointment. She will never admit to herself how much she missed him in particular. Kaz was one of her first friends and she missed him very much.

Cody moved back to Philadelphia, a couple years ago because she was recommended by the League of Heroes to work at Mighty Med, and she's worked with Horace ever since.

Who knows if he still lives here now...she found herself thinking a lot more often than she cared to admit

Performing surgery on wounded superheroes and being a doctor was not her first choice, but Horace Diaz gladly hired her help. She always felt solitude when she was alone and preferred to work by herself.

Cody scribbled some notes down on a clipboard as she examined Patient 349, who had an unhealable gash wound on his abdomen. She forced back her tears as she cleaned the wound and replaced the bandages. it wasn't her favorite part of the day, but in the end, she was saving the people who save people and that's all that really mattered, right?

It was when the monitor started beeping that made her realize that the world needs saving.

the sound of a heart monitor stopping is a sound people never forget. Cody watched as her older brother, Alex Cosmo faded away, getting pulled into an eternal sleep.

Cody fought back tears as she watched her brother vanish from her life.

She took a deep breath as she exited the room and shut the door behind her. she shouldn't have let her big brother go on that mission alone, but he was a superhero, and she was not. so, she couldn't stop him.

She reached into the pocket in her doctor's coat, expecting to find her key card, but all she found was her f-200 communicator. Cursing under her breath she patted herself down for her key card. when she realized it wasn't there, she closed her eyes as a purple and green portal appeared in front of her. she levitated in the cosmic space closing the portal behind her. the feeling lasted only a millisecond before she stepped out of the portal and searched around, finding her key card on the counter top.

Cody was prone to errors such as misplacing her key card and here she was using her powers to fix the mistake.

Of course. She told herself picking up her key card before clocking herself out. after a long day's work she hoped she could finally get some alone time.

That was until she heard a familiar voice yell "Stop!" which made her freeze in her tracks.


Kaz had just finished judging all the superheroes in setting their new power levels. when he agreed to help Horace, he thought he would get to see some awesome superpowers, but all he got was a clipboard and a lame show.

After seven hours of judging, he finally was able to escape the torture that was the auditions. He rounded the corner and was put in a trance by the black hole outlined with glowing green and purple plasma. When a girl that looked about his age stepped out, he snapped himself out of it so he could see what was happening.

There was a girl with long brunette choppy hair and wispy bangs, standing in front of a portal that instantly closed behind her. she had two baby pigtails on the top of her head and some red eyeshadow on her face. He recognized this girl... he couldn't believe it. Has Cody finally come back?

The Elite Chronicles - Book 1: Defenders of Mighty MedWhere stories live. Discover now