2 - My Bestfriend Ended Up as My Spring Formal date

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Several weeks later, Kaz was wrapping up with a patient as Cody walked into the main lobby. Kaz has the patient sign a form and then wanders over to one of the counters.

"So... what have you been up to?" Kaz asked as Cody walked in with a can of spray paint. she looked at him with a devilish grin

"Pranking Captain Atomic." She said flipping the can in her hand and shaking it a few times.

"You know this friendship isn't going to work out if we're both cool." Kaz commented as Cody rolled her eyes.

"Yeah right. like you're not totally crushing on me." She smirked, biting the corner of her lip. she tossed the can of paint to her other hand and flicked the can at him like if she was pointing a finger at him.

"You know what I think?" Kaz asked setting his clipboard down.

"what? enlighten me." Cody teased, giving him a playful wink.

"I think you have a little crush on me." Kaz grinned smugly.

"Ew! no!" Cody scoffed "Gross!"

"I think you do. come on! you're clearly crushing on me! just admit it!" Kaz said poking fun at the fact he's embarrassing her.

"No way!" Cody replied "I don't like you like that."

"Yeah uh huh. Sure." Kaz grinned as Captain Atomic woke up from his nap with spray paint all over his suit.

"CODY HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU NOT TO PRANK ME! Its getting old!" Captain Atomic yelled as he walked into the lobby with baby drawings all over his superhero suit.

Cody smirked, snapping a picture of this on her phone. She snickered to herself before going back to her work.

Later that day Cody walked into the training room. Kaz was walking around with a sleep mask on his face.

"Kaz. What are you doing?" Cody asked, silently judging him.

"I'm trying to blindly pick up the device on the table to try and get more powers." He said reaching out.

Cody used her telekinesis to push the bowl of cereal to take the place of the device and Kaz poured it on his head. Cody snickered, as Kaz sighed.

He lifts the sleep mask off of his eyes and looks at her with annoyance "seriously?" He asked

"Kaz you don't need anymore powers, you're perfect with the ones you have." Cody smiled. "I've been training you for weeks now. I would say you are almost ready to be an official superhero."

Kaz' eyes went wide "wait! Really?!" Kaz exclaimed with excitement. "You think I'm ready?"

"I do. You have a really good handle on your powers and your training has been consistent. You have more control than I did when I first got my powers. I say you're ready." Cody smiled as Kaz beamed with joy.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much!" Kaz basically squealed with glee, hugging Cody in a bear hug.

"You're welcome." Cody said hugging him back before pulling away "I'm proud of you"

"How is Oliver doing?"

"He is struggling with harnessing his powers... I offered to help but he insisted he figure it out on his own." Cody sighed. "Its a work in progress."

"That's too bad." Kaz frowned, before smiling.

"We have to get to school, We're already late as it is." Cody explained before printing off a doctors note with both their signatures.

"What's that?" Kaz asked

"The key to getting out of detention." Cody smirked. She showed Kaz the paper that said
"Hospital employees - Managers?" with Cody's and Kaz' signatures.

The Elite Chronicles - Book 1: Defenders of Mighty MedWhere stories live. Discover now