8 - It's All Gone.

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"That's the real trick, isn't it? Why don't you find out?" Bridget growled as she shot her powers at the team. Everyone ducked behind cover. "Come on our Cody Cosmo. I killed your family, You want me dead so bad... You want to defeat me so badly? Then come and fight. Unless you're too scared... I know you feel the rage flowing through your veins. your thoughts betray your friends. if you won't bow down to me. Then I guess they will."

"AAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!" Cody screamed jumping out from behind her hiding spot. Her eyes glowed with colors of a nebula and her hair now was covered with colors of the universe. she was in her alien form.

"Cody's an Alien?" Oliver asked as Cody faced off Mr. Terror. they went back and forth between blasting each other, dodging attacks and martial arts.

Kaz, Oliver and Skylar battled the army keeping them from getting out. Cody was kicked so hard in her knee with Bridget's strength that it was dislocated. Cody fell to the ground as Bridget grabbed her hair so tightly she was pulling on it. She lifted Cody up and Held a knife to her neck.

"Stop!" Bridget yelled as everyone went silent. "Or I'll waste her!"

"Let her go Bridget!" Kaz hissed.

"I'm more powerful that her!" Bridget sneers. as Cody strugged against the restrains. Cody them used her high heeled boot to stop on Bridget's toes Causing her to release Cody. Cody blasted cosmic energy at Bridget throwing her into the wall with such force that would've broken her if she wasn't a villain with powers.

Everyone looked at her.

"awh... such a shame." Bridget grinned. "I thought it was going to be a little harder to trick the Amazing Cody Cosmo."

"What are you talking about?" Cody asked. "You Tricked Me!" 

"Cody, we have to get back to Mighty Med!" Skylar said.

"She's not going anywhere, neither are the rest of you. You see you won't make it back in time." Mr. Terror sneered before Blasting the Invisible ambulance to bits. 

"No!" Oliver said as Bridget smirked. They had no way of getting back without superpowers now. they were fooled and now all their friends are paying the price. 

"What are you going to do?" Kaz asked. 

"You see the entire Hospital is rigged with explosives. When I push this button, the time bomb starts ticking and Its unable to be stopped." Bridget revealed.

"Mom, don't push that button! I know you're still in there!" Oliver begged as Mr. Terror grinned. 

"Stop trying to stall me Oliver, you're too late." Bridget said pressing the button. 

"NO!" Cody said as the timer started counting down. The time was ticking with every passing second, and soon all of their friends will be toast.

"We have to get back and get everyone out." Skylar said.

"You know what? I'll save you the trip. You can say goodbye to them from here." Bridget hissed as she pulled Mighty Med up on the monitor.

"Horace!" Kaz yelled as he faced the monitor.

"What are you guys doing outside of the hospital?" Horace asked. "Are you safe?" 

"Not exactly!" Bridget growled. 

"Bridget rigged the hospital to explode! We can't stop the bomb! Get as many heroes out as you can before it goes off!" Cody yelled as Bridget sneered. 

"I'm feeling generous today. I'll let you guys try and save your little hospital... but I'm afraid it will be blown to bits when they arrive." Mr. Terror, cackled as the four heroes tried to get back to the hospital before it blew. 

The Elite Chronicles - Book 1: Defenders of Mighty MedWhere stories live. Discover now