Family Dinners and Announcements

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[12 weeks]
22nd September 2017
Buckingham Palace
Queen's Quarters
Sitting Room

[12 weeks]22nd September 2017Buckingham PalaceQueen's QuartersSitting Room

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"Liliana! How nice of you to join us."Elizabeth says, smiling at her favourite granddaughter in law.

"Granny. Sorry about the tardiness."Lili says, bending to hug Elizabeth after she curtsies to both the Queen and Camila. 

She turns to Camila and gives her a big hug and smile.

"Hello."she says, rubbing Camila's back before sitting down.

"Hello dear.""Camila greets, pouring herself some tea.

"Hello, why the lateness?"

"Mars wasn't looking so good this morning so we had to drive her to the vet."

"I hope all is well."Elizabeth says.

"It is. She's just got an ear infection so we've been given some medicine to put in her ear and she just went straight to bed."

"Poor Mars."Camila says.

"Yep. The kids gave Theo and I the saddest looks ever when they had to leave for school because they didn't want to leave in case Mars, you know.."

"Right."Camila says with a nod.

"Now that we've all caught up,"Elizabeth says, clearing her throat and putting her tea cup down."I've asked you here because Henry has told me that he plans on asking Ms Markle to marry him."


"Theo told me that he had the ring made already."Lili tells her in laws.

"Yes he has. Now, I called you both here because she's sort of the combination of you. Divorced, like Camila was, and American like Lili."Elizabeth says."Now, there is going to be some backlash about the wedding. I would like you two to work together to just steer her."

"Steer?"Lili asks.

"I realise that she's got an entire life that she's been living without having to answer to anyone. But now, there are going to be lots of restrictions on her."

"That was hard to adjust to."Lili says in agreement."I think the court of public opinion is going to be even harder on her."

"It was even harder on you."Camila tells her daughter in law."That was downright deplorable."

"It was but I was the first person of colour to marry into the family and people weren't too happy about it back then."

"Now, you're one of the most popular royals."Elizabeth says with a smile.

"So, how do you propose we steer Meghan?"

"I was thinking that you could tell her about how different things would be for her when she marries into the family, obviously not now but once he proposes."

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