Ep. 28 ★

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First I want to thank you guys with my WHOLE heart! This story has reacieved 27k views! I'm litterly sobbing you guys are awesome😭 thank you for the love and support you guys have shown to this fanfics❤️❤️

Zenitsu coughed as warabihime suddenly threw a fist towards his cheek, sending him flying backwards. Warabihime glared at zenitsu passed out body. "P-PLEASE! W-warabihime! She's new...she didn't know that upsetting you was not allowed...please leave her alone..SHE WILL BE HARSHLY PUNISHED! Y-you have my word.." the man shouted while clasping his hands together, repeatedly apologizing. The woman scowled once more, "dont let it happen again." as she watched the nurses take zenitsu away she wondered who he really was.

'That little brat...even though that girl is knocked out cold back there. Her injuries are only minor. Which must be a result of the sevens I've falling technique. I bet she's with the demon slayer core... even so, she doesn't have the skill to be a hashira.'

Her frown slowly morphed into a slight grin 'he must be a demon slayer..how many of those brats came here?' She sighed slowly, regaining her composure. "Sir, i should be apologizing truly..you see. Many things have been irritating me, I should go to my room and reflect on my actions..." and with a little bow she turned around and walked away.

A small knock was heard outside of the masters door. "Come in." A girl with a blue kimono slowly entered. "M-master..? We can't find zenko! She's gone!" She huffed seeming stressed. The man had no reaction, he stared at the floor with a stern look. "So what? Its just ashinuke, what do I care."

"B-but master w-" "SHUT UP!"

The man out of anger threw the desk out of his way. "LET IT BE! OIRÁN WARABIHIME WAS IRRATED BY HER...! Its best if she's not here" He yelled. The poor girl shook with fear "o-okay" she squeaked before shutting the door.

I sighed, maintaining a pleasant look is difficult. I have to walk around with what feels like 10 pound weights on my head and a long kimono that drags on the floor. I wonder 'How do oiran's do it?'.

"Start from the beginning!" I shouted, trying to make sense of all the gibberish inosuke was spouting. He groaned "I TOLD YOU! THE DEMON IS AT MY HOUSE! It looks like this!" He wiggled his fingers like an insect while clasping his hands together. 'This idiot-'

"What's that supposed to be?" "THE DEMON!!". I furrowed my brows in fustration "that just looks like a messed up butterfly..." I told him with a stern look. Inosuke frowned, "ugh..okay fine I get it." He grumbled. For some reason seeing a frown on his face made something turn inside me, I felt my fustration turn into the slightest bit of guilt. "I...I mean...it's not horrible. I.. guess I understood you a little..." as soon as the words left my lips his face lit up. "R-REALLY?" He shouted, i nodded in response. I stared as he quietly cheered, "uh...are you alright..?" "Huh?" "Why are you acting like that..?"

His face of joy suddenly was flushed pink. "Uhm..no." . I tilted my head in pure confusion, "no..?". He crossed his arms infront of him "no.".

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "alright..but have you seen zenitsu? He was supposed to meet us here." I stated. Inosuke's eyes narrowed, he opened his mouth "why do you even care about that cry-baby!?" He shouted. I flinched back slightly at the sudden yell. "I.." I paused, 'do I care for him? I mean, no...maybe a little? Its not love. That's for sure. But its not that I hate him.'

I was rudely inturrupted, "we'll do you!?" He shouted again. He looked as if he was going to cry for some reason... "no, I don't" I answered him. For some reason he seemed relieved as soon as i said that. "Okay.." he huffed while unfolding his arms.

I was going to respond when I felt Uzui come up behind me. I turned around and there he was, but only this time he didn't have a stupid grin on his face. He actually looked serious for once. That worried me.

"Zenitsu won't be coming" he sighed.

My heart dropped, but I kept my serious look "what do you mean by that?" I asked. He didn't respond so I repeated myself in a louder voice. "I said what do you mean he won't be coming!" I shouted.

He turned away with a pained expression. "I feel bad for putting you all threw this, it seems I was too desperate to save my wives in time. That I made some poor decisions during the mission..." he paused. "As it stands zenitsu has gone missing, there's been no contact since last night. You two should leave now. I wouldn't want to put any of you in danger..."

I gritt my teeth. 'Zenitsu...is missing..?'

"If you guys just vanished they would assume your dead. So go now.". "We can help. It'll be easier with us here-" "there's no shame in running when things get dangerous.." he sighed. He didn't say anything else, he just left.

'He can't put his trust in us...'. Inosuke's confident look had fallen, his face looked pained. As if someone had stabbed him. I never knew someone like him could ever feel sadness.

"It's going to be alright inosuke. We can find zenitsu on our own, we don't need uzui." . He flinched slightly and whispered just enough for me to hear"But what if he's dead already...?". I slapped his arm "don't think like that. We can only hope he's alive."
Inosuke and me had decided to stay, obviously. After I had put on my uniform and fixed my hair I decided before we go I should say goodbye...out of respect. I crept up to the oirans window, making sure to see if anybody was still in the room. Once I heard the doors shut I slowly climbed in through the window. There she was, looking at herself in the mirror with empty eyes..

"Forgive me for intruding" I spoke as softly as possible. She flinched slightly as she turned around "S -sumiko!?" She yelped. "Yes, I'm sorry" sliding an envelope with money filled inside "please give this to the lady of the house, for my stay.".

"U-um...why are you dressed like that?" She asked. "I had to dress as a woman for a task I needed to complete. Please forgive me-" I shut my eyes trying to be sincere. When I felt a soft hand on my cheek. "Don't worry...I..I don't know what the task was. But I hope you complete it safely.." she whispered timidly.

Her caramel colored eyes stared at me with such kindness in made me feel uncomfortable. She slowly leaned closer, then kissed my cheek softly. I flinched, Im not used to a lot of physical touch...it makes me feel all mushy. I hate it.

I slowly backed away from her "I'll leave now.." "wait!" She yelled. I froze while she pulled something out of her drawers. A small gold hair pin..designed with flowers and diamonds. Is she trying to give me something so expensive!?

"H -here!" She shoved the hairpin into my hands with a flustered look. My body out of instinct backed away, "I couldn't..." I said as kindly as possible. Her expression seemed hurt by my rejection. She riddled with the pin in her hand while glancing towards the ground "but...Your leaving forever right..? I want you to remeber me.."


I bit my lip, "alright then." I sighed. Her face brightened as she got up from the floor and shuffled behind me. She neatly combed my hair for a while before inserting the pin neatly into my hair. She smiled, seemingly proud of herself. "There...sumí..promise you will wear the pin?" She smiled.
'I hate making promises. I couldn't even promise my family's safety? How could I ever accept.'

A small bead of sweat dripped down my cheek as i felt her waiting anxiously for my reponse. I sucked my breath before slowly responding
"I promise"

Im so sorry for not updating!!

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