Ep. 15 ★ sleepy friends

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.this is another random demon, this mission or demon is NOT canon
.zentan .inotan .HASHIRA X TANJIRO
.random X tanjiro
Tanjiro pov

After a fairly short walk i arriaved at the front door of my estate... to my complete horror the nine other hashira were gathered at my door... they seemed to be waiting..?

The sound of mumbling was all i heard.

What are they talking about..? I was genionly curious on why they were at my front door after all.

I calmly walked over since they were in somewhat of a line and tapped giyuu's shoulder since he was standing behind everyone.

He turned around slightly confused but when he saw me his face turned a bright pink hue. "T-tanjiro! Uh.. hello" his voice was shaky and his lips were trembling.

It seems like the others heard because they hurridly turned around. "Tanjiro! Hello my dear friend!" Cheered rengoku as he shoed everyone infront of him and walked infront of me.

He grinned and put an arm over my shoulder "hello! Again.."

I sighed and softly pushes his arm off. "What are you all doing here." I sighed, i had a long day. "Nothing! We.. just wanted to take you out! OW!" Said uzui as shinobu bumbed his shoulder on purpose. "What he meant! Was that I. Wanted to ask you to hangout" she smiled. "WHAT? No!" Protested the other eight.

Just when i was about to answer muichiro shoved his way to the front of the crowd. "Tanjiro! How about we go to my estate?" He cheered as he approached me.

Before he could say any more a large hand patted muichiro's head roughly. "Now, now, he would much rather pray" a rough voice said.

'Tanjiro... i couldn't scare them away..' i heard yoriichi sigh tiredly. 'You should have tried harder' i scoffed.

I ignored what everyone else had said and walked in my estate making sure to lock the door behind me. I sighed harshly before pulling my hair loose. 'Your hair has grown out huh?' Smiled yoriichi as he watched me brush my knotted hair.

Loud knocking and yelling was heard outside which i happily ignored. "HEY HEY MOVE IT!" I heard a very familiar voice yell.

Knock* knock* "KAMPACHIRO?!" Was heard louder than anything else..

I sighed harshly before hesitantly walking to the door. "Inosuke." I said "LET ME IN KANMPACHIRO! YOU LIKE ME RIGHT?!" He yelled and verious other responses were heard. "Does not!" "Who do you think you are?" "Your to confident little one"

"Is zenistu with you..?" Not even a second has passed before another familiar voice yelled. "YES ITS ME!! DO YOU MISS ME TANJIRO!" He giggled as i felt himself press against the door.

I looked over at yoriichi since i needed guidence for once.. 'i say just let your friends in' 'they aren't my friends' he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes before opening the door while grabbing both zenitsu and inosuke in one swift motion. I quickly closed the door once the two were inside, of course there were still some.. protest.

When inosuke and zenitsu looked up their eyes widened significantly. They both turned bright red.. "T-tanjiro.. y-you look great.." mumbled zenistu who was rubbing the back of his neck. Inosuke just stared at me wide eyed. 'What..?'

I was slightly puzzled by their reaction, i look the same?

"What are you talking about?" I asked geniounly confused. With a shaky hand he pointed at my hair with a blushing face "your hair... its really long.. and pretty, so beautiful.." he kept mumbling to himself.

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