Bonus story👹 PT.2-??

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.I ALMOST HAD A PANICK ATTACK! 13.6k READ?!? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! I never thought i could get this many readers!!
.this doesnt follow the original story line or the previous bonus story<3
(Exept nezuko,yorrichi, and kagaya.)
Plot: instead of nezuko being a demon like In the original story. Tanjiro becomes a demon. Fast forward after nezuko finished final selections she meets inosuke and zenitsu. Now she finds herself at mountain natagumo. This again is a harem for both
Everything else is like the original story,nezuko uses water breathing.
Tanjiro: sweet towards nezuko but mean to everyone else
Nezuko: sweet
Zenitsu: original personality, simp for both
Inosuke: original personality but nice to the siblings
Hashira's: original personality but are nicer to the siblings
.Please enjoy💕

Third POV

As the four walked towards the mountain they were told to go to, the immiture males in the group started bickering. "Why should you carry tanjiro! Your to careless!" Argued the yellow haired one. His hair a bright yellow with orange tips. His clothes consisted of a gradient yellow and white traingular patterned hoari. Along with the standard demon slayer uniform.

"Im not careless you crybaby! You'll cry to much and get him soaked!" Argued inosuke, the agrressive one... he wore no shirt. Just his bare chest. He wore the uniform's pants along with boar fur layered ontop. His hair is coloured black with dark blue tips, and his signiture boar hide.

A loud growl was heard inside the wooden box.

Both males who were fighting earlier suddenly slapped their mouths shut. Nezuko, the female of them all sighed. "You made tanjiro upset..." she frowned.

"By the guys shouldn't have to carry my brother. Thats my job!" Nezuko smiled at them warmly as she adjusted the straps attached to the wooden box. Zenitsu's frown turned into a smile as soon as nezuko showed happiness. His face turned bright red as he grinned uncontrollably. "R-really?!? Wow! Your so strong..." he complimented as he tried to get nezuko to compliment him back.

"Thank you zenitsu your so kind!" Nezuko beamed. It seems her smile was both charming and contacious as now both zenitsu and inosuke were smiling from ear to ear.

"Ah! No need to be so kind!" Stuttered the yellow haired male as he waved both hands in the air repeatedly.

As they talked the sun began to set and nightfall started. The moon now the only light source.

Hours pasted before they had finally reached the mountain. Its gigantic size indimidated the three...

"S-so...who's going first?!? NOT IT!" Cried zenitsu who cowered behind nezuko. Nezuko sighed as patted his shoulder "Zenitsu...dont be scared.." .

"Just leave him. He's a crybaby anyways." Inosuke Scoffed. "Dont say things like that!" Argued nezuko who was still trying to comfort zenitsu as he wept on the ground. "But besides that...this place smells absolutely horrible" nezuko commented as she plugged her nose with her hands.

Eventually they stopped arguing. They ended up agreeing on all walking together, in a line so they could watch out for any danger. They formed themselves in a vertical line with nezuko in the front. Inosuke in the middle and zenitsu in the far back. As they walked farther in the mountain they stench worsened. The forest even looked gloomier than before as the kept walking up the path. Each step seemed as if they set off some type of alarm.

Faint taps and ticks were heard near the ground and upon closer inspection they had found miniture spiders the size of a grain of rice.

"W-we should head back!" zenitsu suggested in a shaky voice. "You wuss" mocked Inosuke while he brought out his katana and began stabbing the small spiders.

"Stop that. It wont work...and try to be nicer!" Nezuko sighed as she scanned the area. Just as they kept walking around the dark trail a faint cry was heard in the distance. Nezuko flinched slightly and stopped walking. "Did you guys hear that..." she whispered trying her best to stay quiet.

A dark figure appered in the distance. "I see something..." nezuko said in a hushed voice. The figure slowly emerged from the shadows...

To their surprise a young looking man appeared. He looked terrifed to death "H-help!" He shouted as he clutched his sword so hard that he trembled. "Who are you?" Nezuko asked as she scanned the frightened man.
His uniform looked beaten up, as if he had just gone through a stampede. His face was full of dust and grime...

"M-my name is Murata! I-Im a demon slayer!" He spoke in a shaky voice. His ragged breath indicated that he had just ran what seemed like a marathon. "I came here with others...but we were attacked! I don't know what it was..." he mumbled before pausing and turning to us.

"What is your rank..?" He asked as he nervously bit his bottom lip. "We're mizunoto." Answered nezuko. Murata's face of hope instantly dissolved into one of sorry and fear "m-mizunoto?! No matter how many of them they send it wont be enough! They have to send a hashira!" He shouted.

"Whatever the problem is im sure we can help.." nezuko put a hand on her chest while smiling softly. "N-no! This is a job for a hashira! Not us...low ranked demon slayers..." he began to trail off slowly mumbling words like 'we're all dead' and 'im going to die like this?'.

Just then inosuke hugged loudly "you big baby." He grumbled under his breath. Nezuko gasped and covered his mouth, like how she used to when one of her younger siblings cursed. By accident ofcourse.

"You shouldn't be negitive inosuke! Missions are scary for you...but that doesn't mean you can be mean to the people who are scared." She said with a frown. Clearly dissapointed in him.

"Okay..." he sighed, but deep down he felt guilty for making nezuko dissapointed in him.



Two hashira sat on the floor, behind a man who gazed at the moon. Moonlight shone into the room and onto them, the man softly smiled as he slowly turned to the two.

One female hashira, who goes by 'shinobu kocho' and a man, who's name is 'giyuu tomioka'. Both sat not daring to move as the man infront of them turned to the with a pleasant grin plastered on his face. His black hair flowed with the cool breeze as he slowly turned around. " children. I'm sending you two to mountain natagumo. To help out the others..many of my childrens lives have been lost already..." he trailed off as he gazed towards the floor with a frown.

He slowly picked his head back up with a now serious face "Im counting on you two." He said. Both hashira's rasied from the floor as they bowed to their master "understood." They both answered at the same time.

Sorry if it wasn't a good cliffhanger or anything😣 but this was rushed!

The second yoriichi. (Tanjiro harem)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن