Ep. 27 ★ Enrentrainment District PT.4

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Guys I'm feeling a lot better than how I used to! I'm finally not coughing like I'm about to disintegrate at any second anymore.


'I almost forgot why I was here in the first place...' i calmly paced the halls completely dazed. 'Im supposed to be trying to look for mr. Uzui's wife but everybody is real quiet. Im guessing playing the shamisen and koto would help much..' I chew my lip nervously as I watch a girl run past me in a hurry. 'I mean..the owner of the house died just two days ago...but still.'.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the faint noise of a girl crying. I instantly went into gentleman mode. I began running to the direction, once I made it I swung the door open. "Are you alright!?" I yelled. I looked around, there was a little girl with her hands to her eyes as she bawled in the middle of a room with either thrown or broken furniture.. "A-are you alright..? Are you hurt..? Did you get into a fight, tell me" I asked as I approached the young girl slowly as to not to startled her.

She looked at me either red, puffy eyes before going back to crying. My eyes widened "u-uh...I'm sorry! Please don't cry! What happened" I tried consulting her, gently patting her back. She wasn't answering me so I tried again "um..Please don't cry, I was just worried that's all.."

"You there. What do you think you're doing in my room."

My blood went cold, i could feel all the tiny hairs on my body stand straight up. I gulped as I felt my hands begin to shake in fear, 'that's...that's not a sound that a human makes...that thing behind me is not a human. That's a demon. I didn't even notice she was there until she started speaking. how is that possible!? This sound is bad news...I've never heard one so ominously quiet before..that means this. Is an upper rank demon.'

I felt my legs begin to shake, like I was about to fall over. "Whats wrong. Are you hard of hearing?" The demon menacingly said. I could feel the glare...like it was burning a whole into the back of my head. "P-PLEASE! SHES NEW! Oirán warabihime please..She just started here the day before yesterday!"  i heard one of the little girls plead. The jingle of the jewels this demon was wearing somehow made her far scarier. "And? So what if she's new."  I clutched my fist 'They shouldn't be facing this...'. I took a deep breath before answering.

"Forgive me if I intruded! I saw this room was a mess...and I heard a young girl crying in here.." I explained. She turned to me with a cold scowl, "why are you so damn hideous? My godness even looking at you makes me feel Ill, girls like you are better off dead. Also whats with that stupid hair color? You look like a sore thumb." Her insults for some reason got to me.

He sighed before glancing around the room "in another case...your right. This room is still in shambles as we speak." She turned to the young girl on the floor "if I'm not mistaken. I told you to pick it up" . She scowled before grabbing the poor girl by her ear. She yelped as she was pulled from the ground "a-ACK!" "Stop all your screaming little bitch! I told you to clean up this room! Why isn't it clean!?" "PLEASE! Forgive me oirán! Please! Just let go" she pleaded, warm blood trickling down the side of her ear.

Without another thoughts I got up and grabbed the oiran's wrist. She derected her glare at me "what's this? The ugly dog wants to play hero..?" She said. 'WHAT AM I DOING THIS IS AN UPPER RANK IM GOING TO DIE AAAARRRRGGGHH'

"P-please, let her go. Your hurting her." I maneged to choke out. Her glare seemed to intensify by a hundred percent, "what did you just say to me? I dare you to say that again." "T-take your hands off of her." I repeated only louder this time. She scoffed "your even uglier up close...how dare you even look at me. How dare you touch me!" She yelled. She snatched her hand back, then threw it towards my face, then I blacked out.

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