Chapter 18: Brothers Bond

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Daryl couldn't believe he'd forgotten about his dad.
How could he have forgotten about his father's bouts of paranoia.

After Lars had hung up he sent Daryl a text telling him that he called because dad was having an episode. Daryl had spent the whole car ride chiding himself for being so forgetful.

The bouts had started after Daryl's mom died. Alfonso kept going on and on about 'They' having gotten her and how they were next. The bouts were more frequent in the beginning, but after a while the interval between them grew.

Daryl and Lars had associated Alfonso's paranoia with three things: Their dad thrashing the room he was in; cowering in a corner waiting for it to die down or until someone calmed him down, usually Daryl; and usually moving.

Although that's not what made them move to Hidden Rock, unless Alfonso had had a bout that Daryl didn't know about.

Brendan drove Daryl to his house, since if he flew it'd be dangerous to be discovered, which he didn't understand. If the humans couldn't really see them, then where's the danger.
Lucas tagged along since he'd left his motorcycle at school.

They'd just pulled up in Daryl's driveway when Brendan whistled.
"This is your house?" He asked looking out the front windshield.
"Yeah, it was my grandparents." Daryl said while taking off his seat belt.

"You live across the street from Margaret." He pointed out.
"Yeah, easier for my stalker to watch me."
Brendan didn't hear, he seemed too busy looking at the streets.

"Catherine's observing you too?" Lucas asked from the backseat. He was looking out the rear windshield, but Daryl wasn't sure why.
"Yeah, followed me all day today. Why?" Daryl asked, eyes widening when he thought of a possibility, "She's following you too?"

"No, no." Lucas laughed, "When she started watching cop movies she used to observe me." He said observe like he knew no better word.
"She has an observant eye," He continued, a cautious look on his face, "Be careful with your abilities around her."

Daryl waited for him to clarify, but Brendan spoke up.
"Wait a second?" He said, looking out all the windows checking the streets, "This is the Creepy Crawfords house."
He then looked at Daryl, his eyes growing wide, then face palming himself.
"Daryl Crawford. I'm such an idiot." He said, hand still on his face, "You're their grandson."
Daryl stared at him. Why did it matter so much who his grandparents were.

"Brendan, everyone knows you're an idiot, you just keep giving us more reasons to think so." Lucas said, a smirk on his face.
"Ha ha." Brendan faked laughed, looking back at Daryl's house.
Daryl couldn't help but smile, but something nagged him.

"Why does everyone call my grandparents that?" Daryl asked no one in particular.
Lucas looked at him. "It's a long story, one you don't really have time for right now."

Daryl was about to tell him that he barely knew his grandparents and would love to learn more about them, so of course he'd have time, when Brendan spoke up.
"It's a really nice house." He said, turning back to Daryl, "A balcony; across the street from Margaret, you wouldn't happen to have some binoculars or a telescope would you?"
Brendan smiled and looked at Lucas's expression, which wasn't the kindest.

Daryl remembered that Margaret was Catherine's sister, who was also Lucas's girlfriend, which is why he was looking at her house. Daryl's face reddened from embarrassment at what Brendan was proposing.

"Oh come on Lucas, it was a joke." Brendan said, trying to defend himself.
Lucas glared at him, his eyes glowing with rage, literally, his eyes had turned blue, like when he controlled the wind. Daryl felt the air stir around them and decided to leave before things got ugly.

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