8 - It's All Gone.

Start from the beginning

They raced against the clock as they sent out a warning to the healthy superheroes to stay away from Mighty Med.


by the time they got there, Horace and Alan tried to get everyone out. Skylar checked the clock. "Hurry!" She yelled as they ran into the building and helped try and get everyone out. They were able to get q handful out before the time almost ran out.

"Kaz! 30 seconds!" Skylar yelled as Cody started to fly towards the building but didn't get to the building in time.

In the heart of the bustling city, Cody Cosmo, one of the the world's beloved superheroes, raced against time. The ominous digital countdown on the bomb tower glowed in crimson digits, each second ticking away like a death knell. Mighty Med's fate hung in the balance, and Cody's pulse matched the urgency of the situation.

Sirens wailed, and citizens fled, their faces etched with fear. The bomb was no ordinary explosive; it was a creation of Mr. Terror, a brilliant but twisted Super Villain who reveled in chaos. The villain had set up a link between her bomb and the rigged the explosives set in Mighty Med. She set them to level the entire financial district—the heart of the city—reducing it to rubble and ash.

Cody's brunette hair billowed behind her as she soared toward the bomb. Her suit, adorned with the bright colors, yellow, hot pink and royal blue, shimmered in the fading sunlight. She had faced countless threats, but this one felt different. The stakes were higher, the danger more palpable.

The bomb was counting down on the monitor in the hospital, its glass façade reflecting the panic below. Cody Cosmo's eyes narrowed as she analyzed the device. Wires snaked around the bomb's core, intricate and deadly. This was unlike any bomb she had ever seen. One timer was connected to thousands of explosives, making it more dangerous. She had minutes, perhaps seconds, to disarm it.

Her gloved fingers danced across the keypad, sweat dampening her brow. Mr. Terror's voice mocked her: "Tick-tock, Cody Cosmo, Tick-tock."

"I can do this," she whispered, her voice lost in the howling wind. But the code eluded her. Mr. Terror was always one step ahead. She tried algorithms, encryption keys, even her own birthday—desperation fueling her efforts.

Ten seconds.

The city held its breath.

Five seconds.

Cody's  heart pounded.

Three seconds.

And then, with a final keystroke, she entered the wrong code. The bomb's timer accelerated, digits blurring into a red frenzy. Her vision blurred, and she staggered back, her knees buckling.

"NOOO!!!!!" she screamed, her voice swallowed by the impending explosion.

"CODY, NO!" Kaz yelled running after her as the hospital exploded into a supernova blasting Cody back away from the destruction. Cody went flying through the air and crashed into the ground, her body weak and limp.

The bomb detonated, a cataclysmic force that shattered windows, toppled skyscrapers, and sent shockwaves through the city. Cody shielded her face, her body flung backward. Debris rained down, and darkness swallowed her.

"Cody!" he said as he knelt next to her limp body. Her body was weak, and she struggled to get up. She lay unconscious on her stomach.

When she opened her eyes and rolled over to look at the scene, the Hospital lay in ruins. Smoke choked the air, and the once-vibrant streets were now a graveyard of twisted metal and broken dreams. Cody had failed. The bomb had claimed the city, and her heart weighed heavy with grief.

The Elite Chronicles - Book 1: Defenders of Mighty MedWhere stories live. Discover now