Chapter 12: The source of his joy, the center of her world...the ruling!

Start from the beginning

"I still can't believe you only came here to spend a day with us," Will chuckled as he took a swing from his bottle of chilled beer.

"I came because I missed you guys," Paige grinned, filling her glass with more wine. "And to talk to you about Jaxon," she added.

"The rogue?" Will looked bemused. "You want to talk to us about that son-of-a-bitch?"

"Just you." She took a sip of her wine and grabbed a scallop off the platter.

"Just me."

"Are you going to repeat everything she says?" Stan muttered, and then let out a low groan when his mate fixed his eyes on him.

"Interesting," Will said slowly. "Looks like whatever she is here to tell me, you're already aware. I wonder why you haven't been able to tell me whatever it is yourself."

"Because he's chicken." Paige didn't miss a beat with her response.

"Thanks a lot, Slip," Stan groaned. "My knight in shining armor turned out to be a jester wrapped in aluminum foil."

That made Paige dissolve into laughter. "If you had balls, this jester wrapped in aluminum foil wouldn't be here."

"Surprisingly, he has really huge ones," Will chuckled. "I call him Mr. Dicksy Normous for a reason. So tell me what's going on."

"Remember how Kate looked sick and withdrawn when we came for the conference?" Stan asked Will.

"Yeah, you said you suspected she had a medical problem because of the change in her scent," Will said with a frown.

"The good news is she doesn't have any medical conditions like I thought," Stan said.

"Well, thank God. What has that got to do with the rogue?"

"That day we threw him into the dungeon," Paige spoke up. "I recall you and Kate going down to..."

"Speak with him, yes." Will added.

"Did you notice anything strange?" Paige gave Will a curious look.

"Apart from the idiot being an asshole, nothing out of the ordinary. Why?"

"You're sure?" Stan asked. "What about Kate?"

"What do you mean, what about Kate?" Will seemed lost.

"Did she act strangely in any way?"

"No," Will looked thoughtful. "Well, the idiot said some inappropriate things to her, but she didn't react."

"What did he say?" Paige asked.

"That he wanted to fuck her. He said she didn't look like she had on any panties beneath her dress. I wanted to strangle him with my bare hands for being disrespectful," Will growled. "Wait..." He seemed to have remembered something. "She looked... dazed, which I found strange. I even had to pull her away from the bars because the twat could have reached through them to grab or punch her."

"Are you saying she didn't say anything at all? To all the...insults?" Paige asked.

"Nothing." Will shrugged. "She didn't utter a word. I actually expected her to land a punch on his lustful face, but she surprised me by not reacting at all."

"There was a reason for that," Stan muttered. "Jaxon is her mate."

"What?" Will whispered. "But she gave no indication."

"She didn't because he was condemned," Stan explained.

"But the fool said nothing about being her mate either." Will's eyes narrowed. "Wait, are you shitting me?"

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