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Five Months Later

I was holding our baby girl in my arms. After twelve hours of painful labor, I had finally delivered a beautiful healthy child. Avery Martina. I stared into her face. She had her father's dark hair, they were soft little curls on her head now. Her eyes on the other hand, were exactly like mine...green and wide.

She was a smiling baby. In the past three hours that she was born, she'd cried very little. I could sense that she was going to be a happy cheerful child.

Nico had left the hospital room. He'd gone to make a phone call and I was alone with Avery. He'd spent every moment by my side, refusing to go anywhere. Even though I didn't have anybody else I knew around me, Nico was enough.

The past five months in Rome had been turbulent but we'd found our moments of happiness. I was clueless in Italy, but thankfully, Nico spoke the language and had distant relations who were willing to help us out.

We'd made our escape out of America quietly, without any incidents. Now, it was time for us to build a home and a life here from scratch.

As the days went by, I fell more and more in love with Rome. It was a beautiful city steeped in history and culture. It was Nico's culture, and somehow here, I felt more connected with him. I was immersing myself in a new world and a new language and it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

I cradled Avery in my arms as she giggled blissfully at me.

"You're going to be fluent in Italian, just like your handsome daddy," I cooed to her and she giggled some more.

I'd watched Nico these past months, trying hard and working all hours of the day to provide a comfortable life for us. We'd left America with some money, but not enough to live luxuriously here. However, Nico was determined and I was certain that if he set his mind to it—he would be a success.

He'd started working with his cousin in their car dealership business, but Nico didn't want any favors. He was determined to put in the effort and the hours. He'd already decided that he was going to save enough money to start his own construction business soon. This time, it was going to be fully legitimate and free of any mob violence.

I believed he would. He just needed some time.

Avery giggled again, bursting through my thoughts and I bopped her little button nose tenderly.

I had never felt this happy or content before, than having my baby in my arms. Avery had changed everything and I knew Nico felt it too. I'd seen it in his eyes. Now more than ever, he was going to work his hardest to make sure that Avery had a comfortable life.

The only element of sadness in all of this was that my parents and friends hadn't seen Avery. The situation was a little better back in Seattle, nonetheless, Nico didn't want to risk it.

He was working with his father now, only on an advisory level, to help sort out the business. According to Nico, his father had turned a new leaf. Nico's departure from the family business had challenged him and somehow made him see reason. He was calling truce with his worst enemies, paying his debts and going straight.

Nico promised that it would only be a matter of time before we could visit Seattle often, before my parents could come to Rome!

I looked up now when Nico opened the door and stepped in. I beamed at him, unable to hide how happy I was feeling.

"You okay, beautiful?" he asked and I nodded my head.

Nico remained by the door, watching me and Avery in my arms.

Nico (The Rossi Mafia)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant