Chapter 8 - Kennedy

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I was nervous when I got out of the cab outside Luigi's. I didn't know what to expect.

Was I overdressed? Was this even a date? Had Nico changed his mind? I had no way of reaching him. What if he was going to stand me up?

He didn't exactly have the best track record of showing up or keeping his word. I was anxious to see him again though, nervous about how I looked.

When I stepped into the restaurant, I saw him immediately. He'd picked the best table in the place, right by the bay windows and romantically set up. This was beginning to feel more and more like a date every second.

I didn't feel overdressed when I walked into the place. It was a sophisticated Italian restaurant, teeming with well-dressed people. Nico was in a casual suit today, forgoing the tie. And he looked handsome. He was the hottest guy in the entire establishment.

The hostess led me to the table and I followed her. Nico stood up when he saw me approaching. I noticed the way his eyes swept over me. This dress was a good choice. I could see that he was pleased with what he saw.

He was quick to pull out my chair and I sat down.

"You look beautiful, Kennedy," were his first words. I tried not to blush.

Nico was being the perfect gentleman and I was determined to behave like a lady too. And not the giddy immature girl I'd been the previous evening.

"You clean up well yourself, Nico," I told him but he didn't pay much heed to my compliment.

"I'll order the wine," he stated and indicated to a waiter who turned up at his side instantly. I heard him place the order, he sounded grumpy. It seemed like he knew what he was doing though. I was more of a beer-drinker myself but it seemed like wine would be the ideal choice in a place like this.

When the waiter left, Nico finally looked at me and smiled.

"I wasn't sure if you saw the note or if you were going to turn up tonight," he told me.

His eyes kept drifting to my plunging neckline. I felt naked under his gaze...naked in a good way. My body seemed to be electrically charged at all times. Every time his eyes fell on me, I felt a little spark go off.

"Would you just have had dinner by yourself if I didn't show up?" I asked and Nico shrugged softly.

"I eat alone here all the time," he stated.

There was that threat again. He'd said it in a way like he was trying to tell me that he didn't need me. He was fine by himself. I ignored that nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach and I smiled instead.

"It's a lovely place. I can't wait to try some of the seafood linguine."

Nico was staring at me, like he was undressing me with his eyes. He wasn't trying to hide the fact that he wanted me. That he had a very specific plan in his mind for us tonight.

The waiter returned with the bottle of wine, which Nico approved of. I waited till the wine was poured in our glasses and the man had left, before I spoke again.

"Where did you disappear to this morning? You work on Sundays?"

Nico sipped his wine expertly and picked up the menu.

"I work every day," he replied curtly.

"You must be a very busy man," I said. His eyes were flitting over the menu. It was almost like he wasn't conscious of my presence at the table. There was a change in him tonight.

I'd noticed the previous night, those flashes of a troubled man underneath the surface. Tonight however, those flashes were on full display. He seemed to be in a bad mood.

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