Chapter 12 - Kennedy

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He took a sip.

"I'm sorry, it's not great whisky. It's the cheapest one I could get my hands on," I apologized blushingly. Nico drank some more and shook his head.

"It's fine, stop apologizing for things, Kennedy," he added. His whisky was nearly over and he put the glass down on the coffee table. I watched as he took a step towards me and I backed away from him.

"There's something on your mind," he commented. I shook my head vigorously.

"Nothing...and even if there is, we decided to keep things light, remember?" I replied. Nico stopped in his tracks.

"Yes, I remember."

"Then, I don't have to tell you anything," I said and smiled weakly at him.

His brows were crossed now, he was trying to assess my face.

"Okay, but if there's something bothering you and you need me to leave, just say it," he demanded. He wasn't being arrogant, he was just stating a fact.

I drank some more of the whisky and felt the liquid pass burningly down my throat. It settled in my belly somewhere, spreading a warm glow. Liquid courage. I needed it tonight.

I'd spent the past three days daydreaming about this man and now he was standing in front of me. And within a few hours, he was going to be gone again. This was my life now. It wasn't casual and nor was it light. I shouldn't have agreed to something I would fail miserably at.

"Nothing's bothering me," I lied and Nico breathed in deeply.

"Good, then take off your clothes, Kennedy," he said.

I was eager for the sex. I could barely keep myself from shaking when he looked at me like that. However, at the same time, I knew that the more time we spent together, the more I wanted from him.

Eventually, I was going to go mad.


I watched him take off his jacket and then his pants. It was like I was frozen to the spot. I couldn't make myself move. I stared at him, at his chiseled delicious body coming into view.

Nico's thighs were muscular and strong, just the way his broad biceps were flexed. His waist was narrow and his stomach flat. He sported his six pack abs effortlessly. His clothes were now lying in a heap on the floor. His cock throbbed between his legs.

I was still fully dressed.

"Come here," he said, in a deep gruff voice. I felt hypnotized but his voice snapped me out of it. I took a few steps towards him and he closed the gap between us.

Grabbing my waist, he leaned me backwards while he kissed me. I had no other choice but to wrap my arms around his neck. I was sinking into that kiss. Every worry and trouble was chased out of my mind. The only thing I could do now was give myself up to him.

Nico's tongue inside my mouth felt strong and confident. He knew what he was doing. He knew what he was going to do with that giant cock hanging between his legs.

As he kissed me, his other hand worked on the straps of my dress. He jerked them down my arms, peeling my dress off me. My breasts first sprang into view and he pulled his mouth away from me. He breathed in when he looked at them.

I wasn't wearing a bra tonight and he pinched my left nipple. Rolling it achingly between his fingers. I felt out of breath as I watched him. He was watching me too. Staring at the effect he had on my helpless body.

When he lowered his face down towards my breasts, I knew I was done for. His lips clasped around my right nipple and he sucked. I writhed and gasped in his arms but he was holding me tightly to himself. I could feel the pressure of his cock between my own legs.

Nico (The Rossi Mafia)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum