✦ . ⁺ In Love ⁺ . ✦

Start from the beginning

He worked like he breathed oxygen.

Most of the time you see him he's working.

Sara simply took her pillow and walked towards the couch.

This is how it's been for the past 4 months.

The months since they've been married.

He refused to sleep on the couch and she refused to sleep beside him.

So now she sleeps on the couch while he sleeps on the bed.

To the world, they look like the perfect couple. Happy, Rich and in love.

But the truth is that they couldn't stand eachother.

Most of the time they just ignore eachother and carry on with their respective works. But when they talk it ALWAYS ends up in an argument.

Sara being a lawyer didn't help in that situation. She always has to win the argument.

They hadn't married eachother because of love, they married eachother because they didn't have a choice.

Even though Sara Singhania was one of India's top lawyers, she still sought approval from her parents.

Seeing her parents be proud of her was all she wanted. And for that her father had asked her to marry into the Singhania's.

Even though she had no intention of marrying before that, she had to, since she couldn't say no to her parents.

For Arjun it was just a buisness deal. Marrying the daughter of the home minister had huge advantages and his father wanted that. So he did it.

Neither of them had any expectations from this marriage and they both knew that.

"This is nothing more than a business arrangement. Get that into your head," he told her on their first meeting.

But sometimes it still hurts, Sara, to think about how her life could've been if she fell in love with someone. If she hadn't married Arjun Singhania.

But there wasn't a point in regretting the past so she simply chose to ignore that part of her.

She had a hearing the next day so she decided to get some sleep.

She looked towards her side to see him still working.

Looks like he won't be sleeping tonight.


Aarna was alone in her room reading a book.

She loves doing that. Reading. It takes her mind to a different world, where anything is possible.

She was reading Twisted Hate when the door to the room opened.

Her husband (handsome as always) walked in.

Not paying attention to her he walked into the closet to get changed.

She continued to read her book even after he came out.

Without making a Noise, He went towards the couch where he sleeps.

Vivaan Singhania, being the gentleman he is, offered to sleep on the couch so that she wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

It's been 2 months since their wedding, but it never felt like they were actually married.

They didn't do anything married couples did.

No dinner dates. No sex. No gifts. Nothing.

Aarna hoped for love when she got married.

But her hopes were shattered on the very first night of her marriage when her husband had told her that he couldn't love her. He didn't believe in love. He would give her everything she needed except for that.

Her heart broke that night but she agreed and that's how it's been since then.

Talk only when needed. Act like a perfect couple in public. That's how their relationship was.

She hoped for more. But she knew there was no point.

Her eyes couldn't stay awake anymore and started to drop.

She put the book and her mind aside while a deep slumber took over her.

On the couch, Vivaan lay awake staring at her.

She was beautiful. More beautiful than anything he's ever seen. Mesmerizing even.

He sometimes wondered what it would be like to kiss her.

But he knew he couldn't do that.

Doing that would lead her on.

Give her hope that he could fall in love with her.

And he couldn't do that.

He wasn't meant for love.

And breaking her heart was something he would never do.

And breaking her heart was something he would never do

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Here's the second chapter. Ik it's not perfect and a bit bad but I promise you it'll get better in the next chapters as the story progresses.

The purpose of this chapter was to make you understand their marriage better.

Follow me on instagram at authornyra to get early snippets and spoilers.

Hope you liked it. If you did don't forget to comment:)

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