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Today is the day. 

The day of the competition. The day I've worked so hard for all these months. It's being held in the capital, so not at our familiar ice rink, just that thought alone makes my nerves rise. It's a huge place where many of my friends will be, even Dahlia has said she would come to watch and I'm eternally grateful for my girlfriend's support. However, it's still a bit of a double feeling because she's told me that her parents will come along and also she was supposed to be on the rink and not in the stands.

I heave a long sigh, adjust my mask covering half my face and feel Areum's presence beside me. Her fingers keep tapping rhythmically, a sign of the same nervousness we share. Flashing cameras capture our arrival and I squint my eyes because it's far too early for my liking.

Everything between Areum and me shifted completely ever since I decided to confront her with that photo during one of our training sessions. Maybe it was stupid of me to do that, but I wanted honesty. It was wearing on me and I couldn't just ignore what she had done. Our observant coach obviously sensed the tension and told us to, 'Resolve whatever is happening between you guys, but make sure it doesn't affect your performance.'

Areum apologised, a lot. But as I thought, we still have to compete. I don't know if I will be capable of doing it. I want to do it with my Dahlia and no one else. But I'm defenceless against a higher-up. 

As we approach the skating rink staff, they ask for our names and soon one is flicking through the white pages on his clipboard.

His broad physique sits behind a desk and a neat suit holds his limbs firmly. "Sorry, can you both say your names again?" He frowns, adjusting the square glasses that threaten to fall off his nose. He looks at his colleague doubtfully and at that moment it dawns on me. It feels like a brick has entered my head and crushed my brain. How could I have been so oblivious and incredibly stupid?!

"I'm sorry, but on this sheet it says Park Sunghoon and Lee Dahlia, I'll need your IDs, please" My coach's face sags and she sends an icy look my way. I can almost see her life flashing away before her eyes. A sense of nerves surges through my body.

"I'm sorry. If Lee Dahlia isn't here, you can't compete" says the gruff man, but a friendly smile appears under his mask. My coach nods absently once before pulling us to the side, her face not betraying her thoughts.

"Sunghoon. Didn't you change your registration?" Her voice is as cold as her gaze and a shudder goes down my spine. I quickly shake my head, thinking she would have done it since it is her job. 

"No...I thought you were supposed to...?" I reply honestly and she slams her hand on the nearby table. She gets a few glances, but then brings her hand up to rub her tired eyes. After a beat of silence, she relents.

"Fine. I won't let this competition go to waste. Get her" she says shortly. And I'm shocked to the core. My coach really hasn't changed the registration file?! Then that means...

"But-" Areum tries to interject, but the quick hand of my coach gestures her to cease her protest. I'm rooted in place, every thought and possibility is swarming through my head, if only I were to know this little bit of information. I then smile slowly and back away slightly before bowing. "As you wish."

Stumbling, I quickly turn around and run out past other participants. The flashing lights are clearly visible, flashing in my face, but I don't care. I really don't. I extend my hand to grab the nearest taxi and don't hesitate to get in and rush to my beloved.


I get ready in my room, humming to some tunes vibrating through my phone, and suddenly Skyfall pops up. I frown slightly, but know it evokes fond memories of me and Sunghoon skating. Unconsciously, I do the choreography in a minimalist way and I'm still surprised that I know the routine by heart.

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