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Doing my best to stay awake during math class, I support my face on my hand and sigh deeply as I blow some strands out of my face. Eun-Ji first saw Heeseung as a snack, then he came her way and then she wanted to run away and I as a good friend wanted to help her, but she almost blew up the whole plan. 

I scoff as I'm slowly getting lost in my thoughts and continue drawing, thinking about my upcoming skating competition. I am really looking forward to it, although our choreography is not yet perfect and I want to add a few more steps.

The bell rings and my head jerks up, waking me from my slumber. I close my books and pack my things. My friends weren't in this class, so it's always extra boring. As I put my bag around my shoulders and adjust the straps, I notice that almost the entire classroom is empty except for the teacher. Was I that slow? I shrug and walk out, first to my locker because it's time for lunch.

Silently I do the choreography in my head and walk to the empty locker hall. Maybe Ye-Jun and I can do a few more spins? I think about it some more and finally reach my locker. Setting down my bag and grabbing my books before looking at my locker again, I let out a yelp when I am confronted by a leaning Heeseung against my locker.

"Hello there, beautiful" A grin graces his face as I am unfazed by his comment. I twist my body toward my locker and want to stash away my books, but it's slammed shut. He rolls his tongue as he pokes his cheek. I sigh annoyed and push him away, opening my locker again and putting my books in it.

"Not even a greeting? That's pretty harsh."

"What do you want?" Closing my locker, I turn the key and put it back in my backpack as I sling it back over my shoulder. He shrugs nonchalantly and it is then that I see over his shoulder the rest of his friends watching us a little further away, some with grins others with just blank faces. By others, I mean Sunghoon.

Heeseung clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes before slamming his hand against the lockers and enclosing me. I swallow as he approaches. What the hell is he doing?

"What was that this morning?"

Trying my best not to run away, I frown. "What do you mean?" I want to mentally facepalms myself and Heeseung smirks at my act. He licks his lips before playing with the ends of my hair.

"Don't touch me"

He chuckles, but finally lets go of my hair. "Fine fine fine. Now tell me what your friend wanted from us?" He seems persistent and I don't quite like the way he's behaving. I hold out my hand and shove him away to create some distance.

Finally I can breathe properly and Heeseung raises an eyebrow, awaiting my answer. "What? Why are you asking me? It's not like I'm my friend, if you want to know, ask her." I'm a little annoyed that our group of friends got involved with these jerks. I certainly don't need a distraction during my important training weeks.

"I see how it is" He clicks his tongue again and I roll my eyes. "You obviously don't, since you can't distinguish me and my friend" I purse my lips, because I don't know where all these words are coming from. As we stare at each other, I take it as my cue to leave. As I walk slowly towards the cafeteria, I am aware of all the stares of his friends following my departure.

I shake off the odd feeling as I join my friends at our table. I don't know what Heeseung and his friends are up to, but I'm sure they won't drop the matter so soon.

"Yah! What took you so long?" speaks Chae-Won as I sit down and dump my bag next to me, I don't answer her and give Eun-Ji a glare. She cringes uncomfortably and drops her fork. "Did I do something wrong?"

Silently screaming, I grit my teeth. "You want to know why it took me so long to get here?" I look back at Chae-Won and then at both of them. They eagerly adjust their positions and sit up straighter.

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