38. Toru messed up the equipment

Start from the beginning

They placed ink and paper into the enclosure and slowly woke up Toru with the lights, until Jia accidently started up the speakers, advancing the next part they had planned for Toru, which was getting it used to hearing them speaking.

Fortunately, it seemed to not be bothered by the sounds.

After it finally woke up, they watched as it approached the paper and sat down in front, making varied expressions, looking around often and bobbing its head up and down slowly.

Ri confirmed that the expressions were noted down bt Tegnuk and were probably light fear and later on relaxation, as it started to scribble random lines on the paper.

After a while, they decided that based on past anecdotes, Toru should be acclimated to the area, and Jia's mistake showed that it didn't mind Tonovo being nearby, so they could try being with it.

Still, Ri would be there to make Toru calm, and Jia called over a guard in case anything happened.

Ri and Teotu walked in and sat down in front of Toru, and seeing that it didn't do too much other than look away, Ri mentioned how the glass was only dark in one side and so, they started to chat.

The conversation didn't last too long, but Ri managed to learn a couple things, mainly that the Turos and Tonuk were planned to be brough to the area to keep Toru happy, since it was shown to likely be a pack animal, and at the very least it seemed to enjoy being with them, and Tonuk had to be brought as well since he was the veterinarian.

Along with this, he learnt that there was finally progress into finding Toru's planet, as they had massively narrowed down the area that Toru could have came from because of a better search into the crashed ship and old ship logs the daughter of one of the builders have given her, as with this they had found out how much fuel it used, which helped estimate the ranges.

Both of them wanted to continue talking, but were stopped by Toru getting up and walking over to its bed, sitting down.

After a little bit of time and debating, they both got closer, curious as to why Toru did that, since it had comfortably stayed on the floor before, and it didn't show any signs of discomfort yet from Teotu being near.

After doing this, Toru moved its hand away from its face and put its arm around its stomach, seemingly protecting it, while now making a more fearfull/uncomfortable expression, so they went away.

While Teotu was a bit sad from not being able to be near Toru for some time, it was good for them to learn information like this for the simulation and for introducing it to more researchers or Freas later on.

They decided to let Toru alone for a little bit to relax while Teotu continued making plans for later, while Jia planned out meals for Toru with the new information from the chip.

Fot the time being, Toru would get some more water and some vegetables, which arrived after very little time and were put into the enclosure.

Meanwhile, Teotu asigned Ri to organize woth Tonuk when he could come and bring the Turos if possible.

Ri called Tonuk and they chatted, as before he asked about the coming over part, he explained that Toru was doing well and they were working on improving its health and so, to not worry.

After this, he explained the situation, which Tonuk objected to, explaining that moving that many Turos could be risky, considering the climate, though he did agree to making video calls and visiting.

When Ri finished the call, he was instructed go grab a box Jai had ordered before and put it into the enclosure.

Fun fact:
Tonovo and Dije travelling works like this:

-In-planet distances: Public transport or private, hired services, they don't own the vehicles for themselves

-Inter-planet distances: Light speed is approximated to 80%, so it's fairly fast (It takes about 3 min at light speed, but it's not possible)

-Space exploration: Does go at 80% light speed like the other vehicles, but it also has some interesting parts, mainly that it uses small wormholes to advance long distances massively, as getting closer to a planet means light has had more time to travel and you'll actually see if a planet has life

For example: If you saw Earth while a couple million light years away, you'd see lava, fire and death, if you go closer, you see life.

This is why it has taken so long for Earth to be found, as the massive distances mean that even very small variations in launch angles can change the place by massive amounts, along with other problems such as the planets moving, black holes hiding planets and light dilation forcing the researchers to be far more accurate, otherwise, even if there was life that could maybe be seen, it would be too hard to see

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