8. The call

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Tonuk woke up slowly, only getting up after getting a message from Ri, he pulled up his wrist and prepared for the wall of text his friend sent, he played the audio while getting up, getting the blanket untangled from his tail.

Ri's voice sounded: "Alright, so, I have some crazy news for you right now that you seriously won't believe, alright, so you know how that one lost ship from the first light year ship launches crashed here?
Well guess what, it was carrying a new species, and I seriously can tell you how adorable they are, they're so teeny and barely have fur!!
They're kind of like the Turo, anyways, so, we did lose him a while ago, BUT, but, it came back, but the poor little thing was super hurt, it lost an arm, but even then, we still have no idea how it survived or where it was but anyways, since that species isn't native here and we dont have many of the vitamins they need, we're gonna send it to your planet with you guys and the other Turos, so, yeah.
Also, say more than just "ok" or something, I am not waiting like four minutes waiting for light speed to get your message, alright?"

Toruk was glad when the audio finally ended, but also, he was pretty excited, since new species were really rare to find.

He sent a short message back, mainly just asking about how it looked, its name, what happened, etc, etc...

After that, he got ready to receive the little guy at the shelter, got breakfast and got dressed.

After all that he finally got the message back from Ri, describing how it was malnourished and was missing a ton of Vitamins and minerals, as well as that they named him "Toru", aka, like the most common name ever for Turo.

But anyways, he walked next door to the rescue, he prepared a bunch of supplements for Toru and a place for it to sleep, after a while, he got a picture of the Voru, as well as a bunch of measurements, and well, Ri wasn't lying, it was very small.

Still, he finally finished getting ready and went to the rescue, where he had to prepare a specific area for Toru, since apparently, it was super skittish.

After finishing that whole ordeal, he went to the other Turos, finally being able to greet them and play with them while waiting for Ri.

He didn't have to wait for long though as he arrived shortly after.

Ri hurriedly said: "Alright, so I got the guy right here, so let me just pay the driver and get my things back"

Ri was pushing the crate along the floor before Toruk walked over and helped push it

Tonuk answered: "Well, hello, but yeah so, I got all the things ready for him and the other Turos are pretty calm, so maybe we can start introducing them soon, what do you think?"

They kept walking while carrying Ri's things inside.

Ri answered back: "Yeah I dont think that's a good idea, this guy was probably fighting animals for a ton of cycles, so let's not risk it, maybe scent stuff though, that could be good enough"

Tonuk said: "Yeah I know, I know, actually, how do you think it survived for so long? Especially on your planet"

Ri answered: "Yeah I have zero idea, we did find bones all around the place and that Turo smell, but yeah, well probably find out though"

They stopped their conversation as they finished bringing stuff inside Tonuk's house, they continued chatting about the other Turos.

They finally got to Toru, they set him free in its area, where it slowly woke up, giving a biiiig stretch, but as it woke up Ri suddenly pushed Tonuk down.

Ri whispered: "Get down man, hurry, he'll get scared, it happened with the driver too, I think its the size"

Tonuk sat down, almost falling down.
They watched as Toru woke up fully, finally seeing them, thankfully it didn't seem to be too scared, just confused.

They watched as it slowly looked Tonuk up and down with a very weird face that they both found hilarious, struggling to hold in a smile.

They both hated not being able to smile, since to animals, it was how they showed aggression.

They continued watching as Toru looked around the room, then it got up, walked to the crate and, to both of their shock, somehow lifted the crate up with one hand to put it where they put his bed.

They both stared dumbfounded as to how it even managed to do that, it carried it like it was nothing.

Ri blinked a bunch of times, took out his tablet and said to Tonuk: "OK so, I guess that report skipped the strength measurements?? Welp, I guess we should just test him out before introducing him to other Turos", Ri got up and walked back for "heavy stuff" to test Toru.

Tonuk stayed back, still amazed but a bit scared, he decided to get security cameras just in case and left the room for a moment, leaving it locked.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now