11. Finally well fed

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Sean's perspective:

He woke up inside the cage, feeling well rested for the first time in a long time, he stretched his limbs and looked out of the cage, watching out in case anyone was there.

He noticed his clothes bundled up in front of the cage, but as he reached out he remembered what happened the day before.

Embarassed, he tried justifying it, mainly with the fact that he was fairly sleepy, but mostly with the fact that was the first hot shower he had in over a month.

He quickly put on his clothes, trying to ignore the freezing cold from them by staying in his warm spot.

After warming up, he finally walked out, feeling uneasy about the place now that he was able to think clearly.

He relaxed a bit at seeing the closed door, next to which, there were two new things, a bowl with meat and some weird brown goo and a small beaker with water, which he immediatly downed.

He then turned his attention to the food, noticing some not so well hidden pills in the goo, so he decided to not touch it.

This meat was fairly different from the one he ate in the wild, which was pretty salty, instead, this one was more sweet, which was appreciated.

He finished the meal and started planning how to show these aliens that he was sentient, deciding that he should try to get a way to write down words, to show his language.

He got bored quickly though, since even though he did have a plan, he really couldn't do anything with it for the moment.

So he decided to practice pronouncing Retue's language, since, though for now he barely knew the aliens name, at least he would be ready for when he did.

His practice was interrupted by the guard coming in, which startled both of them.

Sean noticed that he was already standing up and with his fist raised, protecting his face, though he put it down after noticing.

The guard seemed very quiet though, before putting some weird smelling blanket in the middle of the room.

The smell was a bit weird, smelling kind of like a barn animal, he wasn't sure though, still, he was more focused on the guard, wondering why he was acting so weird.

Sean tried talking to him again, but was mostly ignored, the guard simply stayed on the other side of the room, looking at his wrist for some reason, to Sean's annoyance.

Though, after only a bit of time, Retue came in, looking and talking to the guard, so he repeated the name again, though this just made Retue look at him before leaving.

Sean was starting to get frustated, annoyed at how he was just getting ignored.

Sean looked back at the guard, who finally moved again, going to the food bowl and water.

The guard sighed, moving the bowl with goo closer to Sean, before taking back the beaker somewhere else.

Sean ignored it, waiting for anything interesting to happen, he didn't have to wait too long, as Retue eventually came back, this time holding more meat and the dumbells from yesterday.

Retue then sat down and started repeating a sound while tapping its claws on the cage, looking at him, so Sean tried repeating the word, figuring out that maybe it was trying to teach him words.

He managed to repeat back "Krumf", trying to get his voice low to sound more like Retue, to which it seemed to get happy, squinting its eyes and making what seemed to be a smile.

It then tapped its claws again on the cage, so Sean repeated "Krumf", after that, Retue tossed him a piece of meat, which Sean put in the bowl next to him.

Retue then tapped its claws on the weights, repeating his own name, "Retue", to which Sean got confused.

He repeated the word and Retue, which, he wasn't even sure was really their name, handed him more meat, which he also put aside.

It then tapped its claws on itself, repeating "Tonuk", which made Sean realize his mistake, learning Tonuk's actual name, which he repeated back.

The guard then came in as well, which made Tonuk get up, seemingly very excited, squinting their eyes almost completely.

It then tapped its claws on the guard, who then repeated "Ri", so Sean learnt their name too.

Sean then tried doing the same, but with english, pointing at the cage, though this just confused both of the aliens who just sighed and continued talking to eachother.

Sean, annoyed and bored at being ignored again, decided to sit down and eat the meat, which made Ri make an opened mouth expression and become very talkative, to Sean's surprise.

Ri spoke to Tonuk, who then seemed to be happy as well.

They then both left, leaving Sean alone to eat.

Sean thought about what happened, wondering why they seemed so happy about him eating, before realizing that they seemed to act quite a bit like animals on Earth.

Aka, things like squinting eyes or sleeping were seen as showing trust, which would explain why they were so happy at him eating, they saw that he kinda trusted them.

(As a guideline, that also applies to like,  real life pets and humans, but, anything that would put you in danger is a sign of trust, like having hands in pockets, or crossing your legs while sitting; while anything that would protect you shows fear, like crossing arms or an animal hiding its tail)

Sean finished eating and looked back to the weird smelling blanket from before, thankfully he got used to the smell and wasn't sensing it anymore since a while ago.

He wondered why Ri left it there

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now