29. A small improvement

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Sean's perspective:

He woke up alone in the gigantic bed once again, but this time he was alone, though the bed was still warm, so he didn't have to immediately leave.

Still, he remembered once again that he should be angry and tried getting off, but the air was still really cold, but at least it wasn't as bad as last night.

He looked around the room and noticed some new clothes folded on top of the bed, which he found out were clearly meant for him.

He put them on and realized quickly that they were very warm, or at least they were after a few seconds, since the first ones were horribly cold.

After warming up again, he decided to walk around and also explore the building like he did before.

He jumped down from the bed and walked around, finding the room with desks again, though he found out that the aliens had removed the ink well, to his annoyance.

He walked into the kitchen, where the aliens fed him, and he continued to explore, though he did notice that Tonuk's stripes were a lot darker.

He then found a new storage room, which he decided to search, arguing to himself that it probably wouldn't have any pet stuff.

He was right, as the first of the paper-like boxes seemed to have some delicate toys, made from wood and paper.

He grabbed one of them, which was basically a ball of what looked to be tangled wood with a piece of string sticking out of it.

He tried to figure out what the toy would be used for until he settled on that it was probably just for decoration, though he was curious as to how it was made.

He started thinking, and realized that almost nothing the aliens had was made with some super complex technology, like he saw back at the ships, except for all the doors with airtight seals.

He wondered why that was the case but couldn't find many good reasons other than that maybe the ship and its technology wasn't theirs, but even that idea had faults.

He went on to see if anything else on the box was interesting, and found what looked to be a massive wooden maze with movable parts, which blocked some parts, changing paths in the maze.

There was also a string coming out of it, but based on how it was placed, it wouldn't work too good as decoration, since it was off to the side, so it would hang down at an angle, plus, the string was very short.

He saw that the maze-like object was, actually a maze, as he discovered that the point was to try to remove the string, but before he could try to figure out how to solve the puzzle, he heard a loud whirring noise come up suddenly.

He walked back to where the aliens were to see how they reacted and see if this was normal, and thankfully it seemed to be based on that they acted normally.

He went back to the storage room and tried to solve the puzzle again, this time walking around while fiddling with the string, but soon after this, he saw that Tonuk was once again carrying the warm cage.

He quickly hid the toy inside the new jumpsuit, not wanting to have it taken away, and although it was fairly obvious to him that there was a rectangle hidden there, Tonuk didn't seem to notice, or care.

He was put inside the cage and was carried outside, where he saw that somehow, the literal 2 meters of snow from last night was now completely gone.

He was very surprised, and quickly saw that the ground was now brown and looked to be completely covered in roots, which he soon remembered to look a bit too much like something the aliens had fed him, which grossed him out quite a bit.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now