18. Getting Toru some new stuff

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Tonuk's perspective:

Tonuk- "Ok then, so while you prepare the food, how about I bring Toru over to our house?
It'll be easier than carrying around plates outside"

Ri agreed, walking to the kitchen while Tonuk got his boots to go back out, not wanting to carry snow inside the buildings.

And sure, his species did evolve to live in the cold and all that, but if he had the option of not having snow on his paws, he was going to take it.

He went back to the rescue's building, quickly walking past the Turo's and heading to Toru's room, telling Tegnuk to hide for a bit to avoid Toru seeing him, in case it would get scared like with other Tonovo.

It thankfully cooperated with him quite quickly, and so he carried it out of the room to the entrance.

As he got to the door, he saw that he accidentally closed the door with the lock meant to prevent Turo's from getting out, needing both hands and some time to be opened.

He set Toru down and quickly opened the door, hoping that the two species would ignore eachother meanwhile.

Thankfully they simply were curious about eachother, or well, a Turo was, but still, he didn't want to risk anything and so, he carried Toru away.

He felt as Toru started shivering, just now remembering that since it was probably from a warmer planet, it likely wasn't adapted to the cold like almost all species discovered.

He hurried back to his house, not wanting Toru to continue feeling uncomfortable.

They went back in and he took off the little snow that was covering him, meanwhile, he was looking over to Toru, seeing that at least it was warming up already.

He carried it over to the kitchen, where Ri had already finished cutting almost everything.

They served him the food, waiting for it to start eating, Tonuk was staring to look at how it ate and any habits and stuff, Ri was just seeing it be adorable.

With most of the food there wasn't much of a reaction, though it seemed to not like the orange tree root for some reason.

After that they served it another plate with the last couple things they had lying around stored, though they did add a chunk of Folu! fruit, which got them a very funny reaction, which they gladly recorded.

Things were looking nice, they took note of what foods Toru seemed to enjoy to give it later.

Finally, Toru got to the last fruit, it was a fairly small one, which it gave a small bite first, likely from the experience with the Folu!.

They were shocked as Toru immediatly yelped in distress and started leaking water and snot, which meant its eyes and nose were irritated.

Only Ri managed to notice this, as he stayed still from the confusion and a bit of shock, while Tonuk leapt forward to give warmth to Toru.

He stayed like that for a bit, but quickly realized what he was doing and let go of Toru, which had thankfully calmed down by then, though it was probably as confused as Ri was.

Ri- "So, whats up with all of that?"

Tonuk- "Well, it made a distress call and instincts came in"

Ri was still very confused, gesturing towards Tonuk to keep explaining.

Tonuk- "How do you not know about this when its part of the course you took to get your citizenship?
Like, I know your species doesn't have memory like ours, but still"

Ri- "Look, I just didn't pay attention to a bit, I know, I should've, but, could you just tell me a bit about this?
Because it was a bit, very weird what you did, also, good thing Toru didn't attack you or something"

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