Chapter 4

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Three days later, Daenerys sat on her bed, it was her last night in this bed, tomorrow she'd go off to Casterly Rock with Ser Lancelot and his family. Daenerys dressed in a red and black dress, the same one she'd worn for the past three days.

There was a knock on the door, "come in, I'm dressed." She said to the door, she was behind a curtain where she was combing her hair.

The door opened and Daemon stepped in, shutting the door behind himself, "brother. I thought you were going to be father... where is father? I thought he was supposed to give me away."

"The maesters said he shouldn't attend due to the latest installment of let's just say... nightmares. Of mother..."

Dany peaked around the screen, he stood with his hands in front of him, clenching one hand with the other, "you look like you want to kill someone, brother," she remarked, brushing her hair gently.

"I want to kill the cunt."

"Good choice," she sighed, he took a step towards her, she eyed the floor, "this union changes absolutely nothing between us..." she leveled her eyes to meet his, "I still want you. You will always be my first choice."

Daemon walked to her, he looked down at her, she could see the hatred behind his purple eyes, it wasn't her though and she knew it, "I can't think of another man doing what I do to you." He gently cupped her face, "I wish there was more I could do, somehow... change our unions."

Daenerys shook her head, "there's nothing more you can do, brother." She looked out the window, "I'm sorry. I will find a way out of it. I'll find my way back to you."

"How? It's not like you have a dragon."

"Don't remind me." She playfully hit his chest.

"Hm..." He grumbled, pulling his hand back, the lingering tingle was where his hand was placed on Dany's face, "alright... but I want you to be mine."

Dany's mouth twitched into a frown as she placed the comb on the table and stood. She took her brother's face into her hands, "that isn't mine to give, if I was... I want to be yours too."

"Why is it not yours to give?"

"Grandfather didn't betroth me to you..."

"The cunt swayed him otherwise, it wasn't his choice..."

"I know... I know." She inhaled his scent, he smelt of roses and other flowers, "it isn't mine to give you... I wish it was. I'll find my way back to you. I swear on the memory of our mother, Daemon." She stood on her toes and kissed his lips, "you're the only one I ever wanted and ever needed. It is my duty to leave."

Daemon held her face, running his thumbs along her cheekbones, "I know... and it is mine to stay, sister. I am to give you away since father can't."

"Why can't Viserys do it?"

"Aemma has gone into labor, so he's got to be by her side."

"Congratulations to them..." she said, sadness etched at the corners of her voice, "I'll probably never see their child. Lancelot seems very keen on seducing me.."

Her brother scoffed, leaning forward and kissing her. It was an aggressive kiss, hard and firm on her lips as if he wanted something from her, "what do you want, Daemon?" She whispered softly.

"You." The one worded answer sent a shiver down her spine.

"You have me."

"Not all of you." He argued, his voice barely above a whisper, he kissed her again, keeping his lips firmly pressed against hers.

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