Chapter 3

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A/N: there will be added characters in this chapter, these are the people I see as them:

Patrick Gibson as Ser Lancelot Lannister

Ryan Gosling as Mika Lannister

Emily Blunt as Piper Farman

Sam Claflin as Caden Lannister

Enjoy! :)

Ninety seven years after Aegon's conquest, Daemon and Daenerys were too sure of themselves, too sure that they'd be betrothed to each other that when the news came that they were not, each other them took their anger out a different way, Daemon went to the courtyard with Dark Sister and swung at the straw dummies and yelled at anyone who dared to approach him. Daenerys sat in her room and cried, she felt alone... again. She'd only felt alone one other time and that was when they were two-and-ten and Daemon had been sent away to squire for some lord.

"Daenerys." Daemon's voice came from the opposite side of the room.

She looked up across the room at his silhouette. The only time he called her that was when he had something extremely serious to tell her, "Daemon." She said, getting to her feet and rushing across the room to him, he pulled her into his embrace, "I'm sorry." She whispered, softly, "Grandfather isn't someone who normally understands."

"It wasn't father or grandfather, it was that cunt," he answered, "for a moment I thought we had fucking everything."

"It's all gone. Everything. Don't leave me, Daemon, please... I can't bear the thought of being without you."

He took a step back and held something out to her in the darkness of the dimly lit room. It took her a second to figure out what that was, a necklace, "so you'll always have a gift from me on you." He said, "turn around." After Dany did, he gently draped the necklace around her neck and fastened it, "beautiful as always."

Daemon rested his arms around her neck and leaned down to rest his head on her shoulder, she spoke, her voice quivered as the words left her mouth, "I can't do this without you. I don't want to have some other lord's children." She turned to face her, and placed her head in his chest, "I only want yours and you."

"Shh... shh... I'll be at your wedding, but you won't be at mine." He sighed, looking at her as he held her, "you will be forced to bed Ser Lancelot, but I can refuse mine..."

"What will we do?" She sighed, closing her eyes, she was basking in his embrace, "I'll kill him..."

Her brother let out a soft chuckle, "don't. The realm needs him, just as it needs us. There will be a bedding ceremony as is tradition. I'll see if I can pull a few tricks, my love." She leaned back and he kissed her forehead.

"I don't want to wed him... I want to wed you, brother." She took his hands in hers.

"I know, I tried everything I could, but... it seems like the cunt will get his way." He held her face in his hands, pressing gentle kisses to her forehead, cheeks and mouth, "when do they arrive?"

"They should arrive here tomorrow," she answered sourly.

"Well, that still gives us tonight, then?" He raised his hand to her cheek.

She grinned up at him, "yes it does, brother." Dany reached a hand to his cheek, pressing their foreheads together, "when I was a child, I felt like I was missing something or someone. Now I realize that I am only one half of a whole," his breathing slowed, "you are my other half. We shared our mother's womb together..." he leaned down and kissed her, kissing her silent, kissing her until she let out a groan.

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