Chapter 2

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Eighty-nine years after Aegon's Conquest, the twins were playing in Daenerys's room, their rooms were across the hall from each other, "my doll is a knight, called Ser Garrison," Daemon said, waving the stuffed doll in front of his sister's face, "who fell in love with a princess."

"My doll is that princess." The dolls had been dressed in different clothing. The one Daenerys was holding had a golden dress on, while the one Daemon was holding was in armor.

Daemon laughed, waving the doll in front of his twin sister's face, he reached behind him and held another doll dressed in armor, "so this doll fights and kills this one to win the princesses favor." He looked at her as she gasped. He smirked, "so after this one..." he threw it behind him, "is dead, the princess has to choose him."

Daenerys joined in with him, "I may have really liked that other knight, but I like you more." She twisted her hand from side to side.

Daemon deepened his voice, "Princess, will you take me to be your husband?"

His sister laughed at the change in his voice, "yes. Yes I will."

"But, oh no! The other knight, the one who is presumed to be dead, is back and he wants revenge." Daemon glanced over his shoulder and picked up the other knight, Daenerys sighed, tilting her head to the side thoughtfully, "so they duel and oh, it looks like the one who was dead wins as he pushes the other one down a cliff. He stares down at the motionless body. He turned to the princess who'd witnessed it all and said," he cleared his throat, "you're mine now." He took the doll Daenerys was holding from her.

Tears began to fill in Daenerys's eyes, Daemon took notice of that, "don't worry, sister." He handed her the doll, she took it and wiped her eyes, "the other knight is still alive," he raised his eyebrows, "now he wants revenge for his stolen bride. He takes off after the other knight and princess."

Daenerys moved closer to her brother, "the princess is in a carriage and about to be wed to her betrothed murderer."

"When suddenly," with a quick arm motion, "the other knight, Ser Garrison appeared! And killed the other knight! Saving the princess and taking her away!" He shouted, as he let one of the two dolls fall from his hand and to the ground.

Daenerys smiled, taking the doll Daemon was now holding and made the princess and knight kiss, Daemon laughed amused by her actions, "want to do another one?"

"Don't you have to go to sword practice?"

"That can wait." Daemon assured her.

"Okay. Then... but can I come up with the story this time?"

"Go right, ahead."

With his given permission she picked up the other knight that Daemon had dropped to the ground, "the princess's sworn protectors, named Ser Thomas and Ser Charles... Ser Thomas loves her, the other, Ser Charles loves Ser Thomas. And the princess loves Ser Charles."

"Not another one of your love triangles." Daemon whined.

Daenerys put up a finger to stop him, "so... Ser Thomas tries to win the princess over, but Ser Charles is attempting to Ser Thomas to notice him. While the princess has her own agenda. Ser Thomas plans to kill Ser Charles, while Ser Charles plans to kill the princess, which would be considered treason. Ser Thomas eventually kills Ser Charles and the princess finally notices him. And they live happily ever after in a castle far far away."

"Do you want to hear another story?" Daenerys nodded saying nothing, Daemon shifted to her, placing his hand in hers, "this story begins in a castle, when two children are born mere seconds from each other. When they grow up, they grow to be strong people, but most importantly." Daemon's other hand brushed back a strand of her hair, his hand remained on the side of her face, "they care for each other. A lot, especially one of them, more than the other will ever know."

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