Chapter 1

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The day was bright clear skies for miles, it was a nice warm day. Everyone was out playing, they all were having fun but then someone calls out getting all there attention. "Oooo I wonder what magic man has for us now!" One giggles. She runs over. "Wait for all of us ChiChi!(Kicken Chicken)" another said chasing after them. "Come on guys let's go before Chichi and Hopps (hoppy hopscotch) fight." The others agree running towards the mystery man. "What do you have to show us?!" "Yeah! What what!" Both Chichi and Ray (Dogday) the other bunch we're excited but kept there composure more then the others. "All of you calm down! I'll show you but all of you have to back up." He explained trying to calm the hyper 3. They soon calm down backing up. "Now, I have a big surprise for you all!" When they all heard that they got even more excited, "Shh sh, now meet nova(Catnap), he's quite shy so be gentle." He then moved out of the way to show Nova. "Hiii! I'm Chichi! And this is Hopps!" Chichi said, "I'm Ella..(craftycorn)" Ella waved giving a nervous smile. "I'm Eliot. (Bubba elephant)" Elliot hummed. "I'm Ray, and this is Rosie(Bobby bearhug)." Rosie then waved. "And I'm Penny(Pickypiggy)!" She put her hands on her waist giggling a lot. "Hello. Everyone.." Nova finally spoke, giving a weak smile. "Well imma let you all get to know eachother. Good bye everyone." He then left. Nova looked back at the door that the mystery man has went through. "You wanna play! We all have so many games! Do ya? Do ya?!" Ray asked he looked like he was jittering by how excited he was that there was another member. "I guess.." nova said in a whisper tone. "Okay!! Everyone let's go! We can go play and show Nova around!" Ray said, everyone agreeing.

A few hours pass.

It was finally getting later into the day near evening, the day begun to get cloudy. Everyone had made there way inside, Nova had been quiet through out most of the day. "Okay! Imma make some snacks for everyone you just wait in the living room, do whatever!" Ray hummed going into the kitchen. Nova sat at the far side of the living room while everyone was talking about who knows what. Nova looked away staring into the dark hallways, his tail limp. "Wow you are soap Penny?! How that stuff taste so gross!" Chichi asked Penny, Penny laughed. "Well I can eat anything!" She proudly said. "Uh huh sure you can." Chichi said not believing. Penny glared at Chichi clearly annoyed.

"Hmph. Believe me or believe me not I still did it!" Penny crossed her arms, Ella looked over towards Nova noticing how distance he had been, she stood up and went over to him. "Hey are you okay?" She asked. Nova looked over to her, then nodding. His tail curling around himself. "If your sure, do you wanna come over to talk with us?" Ella suggested, Nova shook his head. "Oh okay. Well if you want to the other is always open." She then went back to where she was sitting. "And that's how birds got there feathers." Elliot explained, most bad zoned out from his blabbering. "Yeah yeah cool... hey! Why don't we all watch a movie!" Chichi suggested, everyone else seemed to agree.

After a little bit Ray comes back with some snacks, "I didn't know what you like Nova so I got you tea, I hope that's good!" Ray smiled, Nova looked at the tea then took a sip out of it giving a thumbs up to Ray. Ray tail begins to wag happily. Then he went over to the group to watch the movie with them. A few hours pass and now it was much later into the night. Many of the group had fell asleep. Ray had grabbed out blankets for everyone. Nova was staring at the clock, seeming to not really know what was going on. "Nova are you gonna be heading to sleep soon?" Ray asked, nova looked over. Tilting his head a little. "You know sleepover?" Ray was a bit confused, "uh.. I'm a cat.. I don't sleep much through the night.."

nova explained, "oh! I didn't know that.." Ray nervously said. "Well I can stay up with you!" Ray suggested, nova thought about it for a moment. "If you can stay awake.. then yes." He whispered. Ray's tail wags and he smiles scooting over to Nova. A hour or 2 passes by. Ray passed out, nova was still wide awake staring into the clock. Just waiting for time to pass.

Jump into the present(?)

It's been a few years now. They all have been friends for quite awhile, Nova had got to know everyone but he seemed distance from everyone still. Nova slept through the day most of the time but this day it was different he had found a tree to watch the others. The whole morning, the critters all were out doing there own activities, Ella was trying to teach Ray how to paint, though he was just enjoying splotching paint around the canvas, ChiChi and Hopp's were giving each other bets probably seeing who was the fastest or something along the lines, Rosie, Elliot and Penny were having a tea party.

Nova ear twitches as he hears something he looks up to see what he had heard. His eyes slit as he drops down to the others, "AH- Oh Hi Nova!" Ray said smiling and waving his hand to Nova. Chichi saw the opportunity and attempted grab Novas tail, Nova moves his tail to the side as Chichi jumped for it falling face first into the ground. "Inside now." Nova urged everyone to go inside, he pushed Ray a bit to get him moving first as most of the group follows after him.

"Hey calm down why??" Ray asked, "Yeah why?" Hopp's wanders over. "Storm. Go inside." Nova was getting upset. "Okay okay. Come on guys theres a storm!" Ray screamed for everyone, soon everyone heads into the house Nova was the last to seeing someone open a panel on the so called sky making the sky shift to cloudy and rainy, Nova hissed quietly then entered the house closing the door behind him.

"It's a bummer, a storm is coming!" Hopps said, crossing her arms. "I agree I was having so much fun!" Chichi also crosses his arms. "At Least we didn't get all wet in the rain!" Ella said nervously, smiling. "Guess your right. But Nova, how did you know it was gonna rain?" Hopps asked, he then proceeded to ignore Hopps going into the kitchen where Penny was making some food. "Rude." Hopps rolled her eyes annoyed by the cat's action.

"Am i the only one that thinks it's a bit odd that Nova is almost always aware of something happening even though it doesnt seem like it?" Hopps questioned, "Cat senses?" Ella suggested, "Well if thats the case why dont we have like a dog sense, or elephant sense since those animals can sense weather from miles away." Elliot added, "See? Its weird. Something fishy is going on and I don't like it!" Hopps stomped her foot in frustration. "Lets just calm down-" "And don't speak either Ray, you've only defended him since he's your best friend! So don't even." Hopps said after interrupting Ray, Ray then sighs. "Look I know some of you don't trust Nova but he has your best interest in mind!"

"Whatever imma, go to my room. Hey Chichi wanna chill with me too?" "Yeah sure Hopps." Then the Rabbit and Chicken leave.

"Ray, I know you don't like that but Hopps did have a point." Elliot said, "Yeah I know. But I know he has the best interest right?" Ray sits down and thinks to himself. Nova and Penny came into the room and they made some snacks! (idk what snacks man). "Here you- hey where did the Chichi and Hopps go?" Penny asked to give Elliot one of the snacks. "Both went to Hopps's room." Ray answered, "Ah. Hey Nova, why don't you pass out the rest while I go give Chichi and Hopps a snack?" Nova nods. He Gives Ray, Ella and lastly Rosie a snack. "Hey wait, aren't you hungry Nova?" Ray asked, Nova shakes his head then sits down. 

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