101 of 365

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10% of my thoughts


The same day, with the same feelings, to the same person, and that person is you.
I want to give a reason, but I don't know what is a good reason to meet you.
I'm someone who doesn't understand how you feel, but believe me I will try.
Even if only little by little if you give me time, I will try as best as I can and as I understand.
I don't have time to give you, but my attention will never stop being given to you.
Just because of you
Because of you
I fall in love
Falling more and more
At all times 
I was very happy when you came into my life
I hope it will be like this forever
If not
I hope you can be happier than when you were with me.
But I will still hope forever, maybe only for you

365 daysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang