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Seokmin, Minghao and Soonyoung were the first ones to reach (Jun and Joshua were already working in the café).

" Seok, whom did you write the letter to ?" asked Minghao curious

" I wrote it to Shua Hyung, you ?" replied Seokmin

" Aww, you wrote it to Shua Hyung. this screams CRUSH !!!!

" Seok, you have a crush on Joshua Hyung ???" asked Soonyoung suddenly

" Nn-n-o" said Seokmin, as a tint of blush covered his face

" Whom did you write it for Hao?" asked Soonyoung. He already knew the answer.

" umm, Jun Hyung..." muttered Minghao

" Jun Hyung has talent bro. He secretly flustered a savage boy " said Seokmin while clapping soundlessly 

" Anyways Hoshi Hyung, can  you read my letter and tell me if it's nice or not ?"  asked Minghao. Soonyoung nodded and took the paper from Minghao. He loved the letter. All the emotions of the young boy were poured into a tiny piece of parchment.

" Hao, this letter is so heart-felt . I loved it "

" Thanks Hyung, you think he'll like it ?"

" Of course." Minghao was so happy that Soonyoung liked it so he hugged him out of excitement

"This just misses one word :  HORANGHAE " said Soonyoung causing Minghao and Seokmin to laugh.


While they were enjoying, a person was feeling uneasy. It was...


A few minutes back :-

" Josh, whom did you write the letter to ?" asked Jun

" Seokmin, What about y-" he was interrupted by Jun

" Minghao"

" Of course, he's your favorite"

" You definitely aren't" They finished their conversation abruptly to serve the cafe's customers.


JUN'S POV ( While Seokmin, Minghao and Soonyoung were talking)

Why does he laughing so much when he's around that guy (Hoshi). He's just a weirdo who thinks he's a tiger.

But it's his wish though.

Why is Hao giving the letter to Soonyoung ? Did he write the letter to him ? He's hugging him too!!! 

Maybe he just likes him. I mean, I'm just a guy who acts cold just to hide his insecurities around people.

But, I revealed my worst secret to him and he even promised to be around me. Wait, he never told me that he would my support as my BOYFRIEND. He must have considered me as his friend. 


Jun was confused. he didn't know if he should angry or upset or cry or anything else. His mind was feeling a roller coaster of emotions. It was too much for him. He wanted something to calm him down. He rushed towards Joshua and said 

" Shua, I'm going to Carat Park. You guys can exchange letter without me, I don't care and DO NOT FOLLOW ME OKAY !!!!!!" and Jun left

Joshua was taken aback by his abruptness. Jeonghan had just arrived and saw the scene. 

" Shua, what's wrong with Jun ??? He seems upset " asked Jeonghan concerned

" I don't know Han everything happened after Ming -" realization hit Joshua

" Han, I think he might have misunderstood something "

" Explain genius ."

" Minghao wrote the note to Jun but he gave it to Soonyoung to read it and comment on it. Hoshi liked it. Minghao's pretty clingy so he hugged him excitedly. Jun mus-" he was interrupted by Jeonghan 

" He thought Minghao wrote the letter  to Hoshi and that he confessed to him and they hugged because Hoshi accepted his love ??"

" I guess... He went to Carat Park"

" Poor Jun, it must have affected him badly. He must have went there to calm down "

" I'm scared Han, scared that he might harm himself "

" Why not ask Minghao to confess to Jun??"

Joshua agreed and they both ran towards Minghao, Seokmin and Soonyoung.

" Minghao you better stop bottling up your feelings and confess to Jun. He saw you hugging Hoshi and give the letter you wrote to Jun. He thought you liked him and just rushed off to Carat Park. I don't care what you do but I want my best friend safe and sound. GOT IT ???" exclaimed Joshua. 

 Minghao understood the misunderstanding and took the letter from Soonyoung. He knew that it must have hurt Jun a lot because of his terrible past. He immediately left for Carat Park. Jeonghan, Joshua, Seokmin and Soonyoung prayed for the best to happen. Right after Minghao left, Seungkwan, Vernon and Chan entered.

" What's wrong with you oldies, have you seen a ghost or something" asked Vernon

" Well, they saw your face Hansol and FYI, you are a ghost " said Seungkwan

" Guys, we just came ..." sighed Chan

Joshua got annoyed. They were praying for Junhao to get together whereas these fools were bickering like there was no tomorrow. Before he could open his mouth, he heard Seokmin say


The maknaes weren't expecting this outbreak but decided to stay silent. Jeonghan explained the entire situation. Seokmin calmed himself down and apologized for being angry. 



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