Chapter 15: Unleashed Power

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"How intriguing, you're much more powerful than I anticipated," Hale almost laughs. "Which is good, It's been a minute since I've had to use my other forms," Hale remarked, throwing his arms out and letting out a yawn. "Are you ready for round 2?"

"Bring it on," Escaro taunted.

With newfound speed, Hale darted towards Escaro, delivering a powerful blow that sends her flying. She stops herself in time to see Hale charging red Ki blasts, making her evade the barrage of attacks. Escaro quickly charges and fires a Galick Gun at Hale, catching him off guard causing him to go flying off the lookout. Escaro then flew after Hale, followed closely by Airil and Ruko.

Hale regained control midair and began evading Escaro's pursuit. Despite this, Escaro caught up, delivering a powerful kick that sends Hale crashing into a nearby desert. As the trio landed, Hale rose to face them.

"Very interesting," Hale mused. "You are strong indeed, but I've done enough playing for now. Are you ready to see my Final Form?" Hale began to power up, creating a massive sandstorm around him.

As the sandstorm subsided, it revealed Hale in a vastly altered state. His head extended with multiple horns splitting at their tips, and overall bulkier.

Without a word, Hale charged at Escaro, slamming her into the ground, forcing her out of Super Saiyan 2. He then unleashed a powerful purple blast that sends Airil and Ruko flying.

Recovering from the assault, Airil confronted Hale, who was now holding Escaro in one hand. "I'm going to make you a deal, Saiyan," Hale declared. "I only came for her. If you allow me to leave, I'll do just that. Without killing you or this planet. What do you say?"

"I say you're a fat liar," Airil retorted. "Now, if you don't mind, I would like to continue our fight."

"Very well," Hale conceded, tossing Escaro's limp body aside. "Let us continue."

Airil unleashed a colossal power-up, his hair extending past his neck as bolts of electricity surged around him, transforming into Super Saiyan 3. He then charged at Hale, landing a powerful blow that sent the tyrant sprawling. Airil continued his assault, charging a dense Ki ball resembling a small star.

With a whispered "Supernova," the ball of Ki exploded, resulting in a powerful explosion that left Hale in a crater of glass. However, Hale emerged unscathed, revealing a surprising resilience.

"You know what! Screw this!" Hale yells as he flies into the sky. "I don't need your stupid Dragon Balls!" Hale then begins to charge a massive ball of Ki above himself. "I'll just destroy this planet right now!" Hale yelled as the ball of Ki continued to grow.

Airil, however, wasn't gonna let that happen. He quickly flew up and delivered a powerful punch to Hale's gut, making him stop charging the attack, causing it to fizzle and fade. Airil then slammed Hale back into the sand, causing a small explosion.

Airil flies down to Hale It's then that Airil drops out of Super Saiyan 3 into normal Super Saiyan. He begins to slightly panic as he sees Hale begin to stand.

"I see, so that transformation was limited," Hale almost laughs. "That's too bad." Hale then proceeds to fire a red Ki blast at Airil, which pieces right through his arm. Letting out a scream of agony, he drops out of Super Saiyan, kneeling on the ground. Hale laughs as he fires more Ki Blasts, one though Airil's leg, his other arm, his stomach. Hale only stopped when there was a hole in every part of his body.

Coughing up blood, Airil falls to the sand, stained red from his blood.

"Too bad for you," Hale says as he turns away.

throwing Airil to the side.

"Hey!" a voice echoes from behind Hale. When he turns around, Ruko kicks Hale in the face, sending him flying. He then quickly rushes to Airil and drops a Senzu in his hand, before going off to fight Hale.

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