Chapter 6: Awakening of Saiyan Power

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Several days had drifted away. Airil permitted Escaro to occupy his bed while he meditated in mid-air. There was a peculiar fondness growing in Escaro for Airil, grateful for the unexpected act of generosity.

During these passing days, Escaro unraveled the tale of the Saiyan race, recounting how they fell under the dominion of an extraterrestrial named Hale. Hale, a ruler of an entire galaxy, had grown uneasy as the Saiyans amassed strength. In his fear, he obliterated their planet.

The trio found themselves within the confines of the lookout's building when Airil inquired, "Why did you come to Moulara?"

Escaro initiated her explanation, "When I learned of Hale's destruction of Planet Sadala, I was on one of his missions, annihilating the inhabitants of a feeble planet for his resettlement plans. I grew weary of being under his command, so I roved from planet to planet, attempting to elude him. After about 20 planets, I encountered a Namekian who spoke of Moulara's seven dragon balls. He showed me this sack." She pointed to the sack filled with Senzus. "He claimed he gathered the dragon balls, summoned the dragon, and wished for beans that could heal wounds and stamina. I killed him, took the beans, and set course for Moulara."

Kami, meditating nearby, overheard this, fostering distrust. "Why did you kill him?" Kami questioned abruptly.

Escaro confessed, "Because I revealed my plan to kill Hale and asked for his beans. He opposed the idea and attacked me. I killed him in self-defense."

Kami scowled but maintained his meditation.

Airil stood up, urging Escaro to follow him. Out in the openness of the lookout, they stopped near the edge.

"I don't blame you," Airil reassured Escaro. "It was self-defense."

"Thank you," she replied, leaning her head on Airil's shoulder.

Airil changed the subject, "Why did you work for that Hale guy anyway?"

"Because, if I refused, he would have killed me," she responded.

Airil stepped away from Escaro, catching her off guard, and turned towards her with a smile. "What?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm just thinking."

"What about?" she inquired.

"You, being a Saiyan, know about the legend of the Super Saiyan, right?" Airil blurted out.


Airil smiled as he began to back up. "Watch this," he bragged. After 20 steps back, he charged up his Ki significantly. His hair turned golden, standing on end as he transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Escaro was struck with amazement. "Incredible, you're able to become a Super Saiyan," she said, but not as enthusiastically as Airil expected. "Just watch this." She charged up Ki, effortlessly transforming into a Super Saiyan herself. Her long hair turned gold with the ends mostly staying down.

Airil was amazed, and Escaro seemed excited. Without warning, she launched herself at Airil with incredible speed. They exchanged lightning-fast punches, fists connecting on almost every hit.

After a relentless exchange, they jumped back, then ascended as far as they could, floating at the peak. Round two began, a volley of Ki blasts fired from Airil towards Escaro, who deflected them with her own Ki blasts. Unnoticed by Airil, Escaro rushed behind him and kicked him in the back, sending him flying. Airil attempted to recover, but before he got the chance, Escaro was behind him, hitting him again. She flew over, ready to strike him for a third time. However, as she got close, Airil fired a Kamehameha Wave, catching her off guard and hitting her, causing an explosion.

After the dust cleared, Escaro was still in her Super Saiyan form, visibly injured, a black mark on her armor. Powering up, she charged a Galick Gun. Airil responded by charging a Kamehameha. They both fired at the same time, their beams colliding, creating a shockwave that interrupted Kami's meditation.

The beam struggle was perfectly balanced, both beams evenly divided between them. Then, Airil started to power up, gradually moving the center of the beam towards Escaro. She responded by also powering up. Shockwaves emanated from the contact point due to the released energy. Suddenly, the two beams lost all energy and disintegrated, leaving the warriors breathless.

Both Airil and Escaro dropped out of Super Saiyan and floated down to the lookout. Once landed, they walked towards each other, stopping a few feet away. Airil extended his hand, saying, "Hey, that was fun, thanks."

Escaro aggressively smacked his hand out of her way and continued towards the lookout building.

Airil stood there, unsure of what just happened. Sighing, he walked towards the lookout, ready for a nice nap.

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