Chapter 10: Unveiling Echoes of Power

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It’s been a Year and a Half in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and the trio decided to rest in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Airil, however, couldn't help but be curious about Ruko's anomalous Super Saiyan transformation.
"So why is your Super Saiyan hair different from ours?" Airil inquired as Ruko was sitting, eating a piece of bread.
Ruko looked at Airil puzzled. "What do you mean?"
"Your hair, it turns green instead of yellow, and your power multiplies way higher than ours," Airil pointed out, with Escaro nodding in agreement.
"Well what about you Airil," Ruko began, a thoughtful expression on his face, "there's something about you that's been puzzling me."
“And what’s that,” Airil prompted.
"You've got the strength of a Saiyan, no doubt about it. But there's more to you, isn't there?" Ruko probed, his voice carrying a sense of certainty.
“What do you mean?” Airil questioned.
“Well you’ve already told us your childhood experience as a Super Saiyan,” Ruko started. “How is that even possible? I've seen multiple Saiayns lose their families right in front of them. While tragic, it never triggered a Super Saiyan transformation.”
“And?” Airil begged him to continue.
“Well, most Saiyans just don’t have the ability to trigger the Super Saiyan transformation, let alone as a child. There must be more to you,” Ruko stated.
“Maybe…” Airil trailed off, thinking about his past. Then, a sudden distant memory flashed before his eyes. It was of him and his mother, running through a forest, with little Airil in her arms. As he turned to look over his mother’s shoulder, he could see his father, A tailless figure with a sword, fighting off the Saiyans as his mother carried him away.
“My father…” Airil started.
“What about him?” Escaro inquired.
“I don’t think he was a Saiyan,” Airil said, shocking the other two. “He didn’t have a tail.”
Intrigued, Ruko poked further. “Then what if he was not a Saiyan.”
“I don’t know,” Airil stated.. “Maybe he was human?”
“What do you mean?” Escaro questioned.
“Well, it’s just a thought, but since all the people of Maulara basically look like we do, just without tails, I’d say it’s a pretty good guess,” Airil pointed out while grabbing his tail.
“Interesting,” Escaro said, before thinking about her own past. “I never knew my mother, she was also killed when I was born, so maybe I am too.”
“That would make sense,” Ruko concluded.
Airil then looked at Ruko with satisfaction. “Alright, your turn, what makes you so special?”
Ruko surrendered with a raised hand. "Alright, you got me. I am a different type of Saiyan."
"A different type?" Escaro questioned.
"It's kinda complicated," Ruko began, recounting his unusual origin. "When I was born, I had an extraordinarily high power Level for a newborn Saiyan. The king thought I could be useful for his personal guard, so he took me from my original parents and trained me under his personal supervision, like a second son."
"Growing up, I had a short temper. I would explode into a fit of uncontrollable rage, destroying everything in my path. The king soon trained me to control my rage and use it as a fuel for my power. What makes me different is a genetic mutation that allows me to grow stronger at faster rates. During a battle, my Power Level increases as I take damage, almost like a constant Zenkai Boost. And as a result, when I go Super Saiyan, my hair turns green."
Ruko demonstrated by briefly transforming into his green haired Super Saiyan, leaving the others in awe. "To be honest, I don't really understand it."
Airil interjected, "I think I might know. I remember reading about Super Saiyans, and there's a rare type called a Legendary Super Saiyan. They're born with the ability to gain power in a battle, just like you explained."
Escaro and Airil stared at Ruko in astonishment. "A Legendary Super Saiyan," Ruko whispered to himself.
"You're a legend," Escaro exclaimed. "You should have more than enough power to take out Hale."
"I thought I did," Ruko admitted. "On the day Sadala was destroyed, I was one of the only ones who stood up to him. There were others, but they weren't nearly strong enough to deal with his first form."
"Wait, first form?" Escaro choked.
Ruko nodded. "Yeah, first form. After he transformed through his other form and into his final form, I didn’t stand a chance. However, for some reason, he healed me back up and, along with a few other Saiyans. He turned us into war machines in his empire, using us to take over and destroy other planets."
Airil empathized, "That must've been harsh."
"Hm? Oh no, destroying planets was the easy part. It was being under Hale's control, forced to do things I didn’t want to do, I just couldn’t stand it. Anytime I rebelled, he would make it too obvious he could just kill me on the spot, even though it would require him to transform first."
"So, we have to find a form even stronger than yours, is basically what you're saying," Airil said incredulously.
"Either that or train enough to be stronger than him," Ruko added.
"We could always use the dragon balls, couldn’t we, you know, to just kill him?" Escaro suggested.
"Nope, they’re simply not strong enough. We can’t use those," Ruko explained. "I know a Namekian, and simply put, the dragon balls are only as strong as their creator. And if I understand correctly, that ‘Kami’ guy is the one that created the Moulara’s dragon balls, and he isn’t that strong."
"So training is the only option," Airil pointed out.
"Exactly. So we have no time to waste," Ruko asserted.
"Then we should focus on trying to find a new form of Super Saiyan. If we could find a stronger form, maybe we could be strong enough to fight Hale," Airil suggested.
Ruko sighed. "What makes you think there’s going to be a stronger form of Super Saiyan?"
Airil stood up, taking a few steps. "Well, I may have found a new form myself."
"What?" Escaro exclaimed.
Airil powered up and quickly turned into a Super Saiyan. He charged his power and began to yell, shaking the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with the sheer force of his Ki. Suddenly, his muscles expanded, and his hair stood a little straighter as he transformed into a bulkier state of Super Saiyan.
"Wow, that’s incredible," Escaro shouted.
"Do you like it? I call it Super Saiyan Grade 2. It’s a form I found on my own, testing the limit of Super Saiyan. It turns out, massive amounts of Ki output is the trick to finding new forms," Airil explained.
Escaro, eager to try, powered up to Super Saiyan and then further into Super Saiyan Grade 2. "Wow, this is incredible. I can feel the difference in power."
"We’re gonna have to find a way to make it take less Ki, but it should be a really nice form," Airil responded.
"It’s not as strong as mine still," Ruko scoffed.
"I know, but it’s a start. If we can achieve this form now, then we should be able to reach other, even higher forms in no time," Airil said. "For now, we should test these forms, what do you think?"
Escaro got into a fighting stance and grinned. "I think that’s a good idea." She flew towards Airil, exploring the potential of their newfound Super Saiyan Grade 2 forms.
But Ruko however, noticed the immediate downside and shouted to get their attention. "Hey, you two. Get over here, I need to discuss your form."
They both flew over to Ruko and landed in front of him, dropping out of Super Saiyan Grade 2. "What’s up?" Airil asked.
"Didn’t you notice the speed decrease?" Ruko inquired.
Airil sighed. "Yeah, power at the sacrifice of speed."
"So pretty much useless," Escaro commented.
Airil nodded. "So inevitably we have to find a new form."
"Looks like it," Escaro said, sitting on the ground. "For now, I’m going to meditate. It helps with Ki control, so maybe it will help us find a new form."
"Good thought," Airil said, sitting on the ground and crossing his legs, entering a deep meditation.

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