Chapter 8: Another Saiyan

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After a few weeks, Airil, Escaro, and Kami had gotten in a sort of rhythm, training and meditating daily, barely leaving time to spar every now and then. One day, while they were in deep meditation within the lookout, a sudden disturbance shattered their focus. A crash reverberated as an unidentified object plummeted from the sky, demolishing a significant section of the lookout. As the three quickly ran out of the building and looked at the damage, they saw the large crater with a pod in the center.

"That's a Saiyan Pod!" Escaro yelled as she flew down and towards the fallen vessel. Airil and Kami swiftly followed suit.

As Escaro landed near the pod, it began to open, revealing a Saiyan with striking purple hair.

"Ruko?" Escaro's disbelief echoed through the lookout as Airil and Kami touched down behind her. "My god, I thought you were killed."

"Not quite. That bastard kept me alive for a reason," Ruko responded, a somber undertone in his voice.

Escaro's gaze shifted to the sky, waiting to see other pods entering the atmosphere, but to no avail. "Is it just you?" she inquired.

He sighed wearily. "I'm afraid so. We had a deal with one of Hale's men," Ruko scuffed. "Stupid idea, what was I even thinking?"

Silence engulfed the group. Ruko broke it with a grim revelation. "No time to mourn, though. In about a week, he's going to be here to destroy the planet."

"What!" Escaro's exclamation conveyed shock. "How?"

"Your scouter had a tracker in it," Ruko explained.

"I can't believe it. I led him right to me!" Escaro cried. "How could I be so stupid."

Airil, breaking the somber mood, decided to finally say something. "We should be able to handle him in a week," catching Ruko's attention for the first time.

"Who are you—" Ruko began, only to halt as he noticed Airil's Saiyan tail. "You're a Saiyan as well. That's good, but still, who are you?"

"I'm Airil," he stated. "As far as I know I was born here."

"Whatever, that doesn't matter, what makes you think we can beat Hale in a week? Do you have any idea how powerful Hale is? He is one of the most powerful beings in the universe!"

"What if I told you I know a place where you can undergo intense training in no time," Airil proposed, casting a meaningful glance at Kami, who responded with a resigned sigh.

"Oh?" both Escaro and Ruko echoed simultaneously.


After explaining the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and its potential benefits to Escaro and Ruko, the trio collectively decided to immerse themselves in its training depths for five days, aiming to fortify their skills and readiness. However, Kami. "You're only meant to be in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for a day at a time, with plenty of time between trips."

Ruko questioned Kami, "Oh yeah, and why's that?"

Kami hesitated for a moment, struggling to find a suitable excuse. Realizing his predicament, he sighed, acknowledging the inevitable. "Thought so. So we'll be using it, if you don't mind."

"To be honest Kami, being able to get 5 years of training in 5 days. I mean, I see no negative drawback from that," Airil explained his point of view.

"I'm just a little upset I have to clean this all up, again," Kami grumbled, gesturing towards the destruction that surrounded them.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Ruko sheepishly apologized. "I didn't know there was gonna be something there.

"Well, there's no time to waste, Go. The world counts on you," Kami insisted, urging them to proceed with their preparations.

"Thank you, Kami," Airil expressed his gratitude, taking the lead as he soared up to the lookout, with Ruko and Escaro swiftly following. Landing in front of the building, Airil was already sprinting up the stairs as the others touched down. Racing up the stairs, they caught up to Airil just as he reached the chamber door. He then slowly opened it, revealing the expansive emptiness that was the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

As the trio entered the chamber, Airil closed the door behind them, and the gravity immediately surged to 20x, the intensity Kami and Airil had been training at before. Escaro Immediately struggled under the pressure, her knees quickly giving out. Ruko however stood unfazed, even smiling as he felt the gravity. "Now, this is a training room," he declared excitedly.

"A little help here," Escaro strained to say as she grappled with the intensified gravity.

"Oh, my bad," Airil responded, quickly adjusting the nearby machine, normalizing the gravity.

"Thank you," Escaro said, getting up and marveling at the vastness of the chamber. "Wow, it's so expansive."

Ruko, eager to test the chamber, fired a massive green blast far into the void, creating shockwaves that reverberated throughout the chamber as it exploded.

"Wow, what power," Airil remarked in shock.

Ruko, unfazed, initiated a challenge. "Ok, show me what you got. Both of you."

"What!" Escaro exclaimed.

"It's the only way for me to test your power, so c'mon, show me what you got," Ruko repeated.

"I'll go first," Airil asserted, stepping up.

"Ok, now no holding back, ok," Ruko instructed.

"Fine with me," Airil responded, immediately ascending into Super Saiyan, catching Ruko off guard.

"Interesting," Ruko complimented. "This may be more difficult than I thought."

With no further words, Airil swiftly attacked Ruko. Despite Ruko's attempt to counter, Airil moved with incredible speed, delivering precise hits, before backing up and firing a charged Kamehameha. Ruko narrowly evaded the blast. Unfazed, he extended his arm and prepared his own formidable Ki blast, the green ball of Ki growing bigger every second. He then launched the massive attack straight at Airil.

Airil, realizing the heightened power of the attack, strained to deflect it, pushing his limits before retaliating. The two engaged in a furious exchange of blows, leading to an explosive burst of energy. Emerging from the smoke, both Saiyans charged their attacks.

Airil charged two Ki blasts in either hand, one being a blinding blue and the other a bright orange. Swiftly combining the two, the two colors swirled intensely, their instability only held back by Airil's mighty power.

Ruko also charged two green Ki blasts and merged them together, making an even denser ball of Ki. The two then fired their respectful beams, Airil's swirling beam colliding with Ruko's green one, causing a massive explosion, the intensity shaking the Time Chamber.

As the aftermath settled, Airil and Ruko were left floating in the thick air of the chamber, before Airil quickly fell out of Super Saiyan as he weakly fell to the ground.

"That was amazing!" Escaro exclaimed as they landed in front of her.

Airil, acknowledging the toll the battle had taken, took a Senzu, completely restoring him to full. He then tossed a Senzu to Ruko. "Here."

Ruko caught it and expressed his gratitude, chewing on the magical bean to swiftly regain his stamina as well. "Thanks. Alright, your turn," he said, looking at Escaro.

"I'm ready," she affirmed, transforming into a Super Saiyan.

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