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"You're distracted."

"I- What? No." Jules scoffed as Sheppard chuckled. She sighed. "Ok, I'm distracted."

They'd flown a jumper out toward the mainland in an effort to get Jules's flying skills sorted but she was having a hard time maintaining a connection with John and the jumper, while also accounting for seeing from his perspective instead of her own. And today, she truly was distracted.

"It's Ronon, isn't it?"

"I...yes." John chuckled. "It's not like that, okay? I...was uncharacteristically flirtatious yesterday and...I don't know what got into me."

"I think I have an idea what got into you."

"Ew. You're a caveman."

John laughed. "Not that. Well, yes that, but it wasn't where I was going. What I mean is, you like him."

"No! Maybe? I don't know. It's all confusing. With this telepathy thing, it's like everyone's emotions mix with my own. I walk down the hall and find myself in a bad mood or I'm suddenly on the verge of tears because I passed by someone and now I'm all jumbled up." She sighed. "This isn't gonna work. I gotta talk to him. Just...turn us around so I can-"


"I'm sorry, nope?"

"You want to turn around...you do it."

Jules ground her teeth. "Fine." John crossed his arms and looked at her. "Well, I can't do it when you're smugness is rolling off of you in- You know what? Fine. Have it your freaking way."

Suddenly the jumper banked hard and headed straight for Atlantis. John smirked. "You're thinking about him, aren't you."

"Shut up."


John Sheppard's laughter still rang in her ears as Jules stormed into the cafeteria and slugged Ronon in the shoulder.

"Ow! What- Jules!" Ronon stared at her incredulously.

"You're messing with my head!" She froze, realizing the silence that had settled over the room. "Can I talk to you outside please?" she whisper yelled before storming off to the nearby balcony.

Ronon turned his eyes to Rodney who shrugged and went back to eating before he rose and followed the irritated woman out the doors. She was pacing the floor when he found her. "What the hell was that?"

"Listen, what happened yesterday- I'm not usually so..."


She could hear the smirk in his voice as she crossed her arms. "I was going to say forward. But you just...got under my skin, into my head."

"Pretty sure you're the one in my head."

"Works both ways. You haven't figured that out yet?" She sighed before continuing. "Look, I feel...everything. From everyone around me. And you are..."

"Sexy? Manly? Desirable?"

"Infuriating. And...primal. Or...uncomplicated. Your feelings are overwhelming but so simple. It's...different. And I got caught up. I didn't mean to- It shouldn't have gone so far."

"It didn't. We kissed."

"In your room. On your bed."

Shifting Shadows - R. DexWhere stories live. Discover now