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"Incoming wormhole. Teyla's IDC."

Dr. Elizabeth Weir turned on the comm link to AR-1. "Teyla, this is Atlantis. How was dinner?"

"Dr. Weir, we are in need of a med team."

"A med team?"

"Yes. Captain O'Keefe is injured and returning with us."

"Captain O'Keefe?! Dr. Beckett, we need a med team in the gate room now!"

"I'm on my way."

Sounds of gun fire broke through the radio as Rodney scurried through the gate, followed closely by Teyla. Elizabeth sped down the stairs to the gate room as Ronan barreled through with someone in his arms. Sheppard joined them just as Dr. Beckett and his team arrived with a gurney.

Elizabeth glanced down at the unconscious woman's face as Ronon laid her on the bed, his voice urgent as he said, "She's lost a lot of blood."

"Captain O'Keefe?" Beckett glanced up at John quickly, who gave him a sharp nod. "This is a nasty wound. I'll let you all know as soon as she's out of surgery."

"Thank you, Carson." As they sped off to the infirmary, Weir turned her attention to AR-1. "It's really her. How'd you find her?"

"It's a long story." Sheppard grimaced.

"Why don't you put your gear away and meet me in my office in 20?"

They nodded and strode down the hallway toward their room. As they split apart, Sheppard said, "Rodney, make sure Zelenka knows."

"Zelenka? Why? What- Are they friends or-"

"Seriously?" Sheppard glared at him. "She saved his team when the wraith showed up off world on a recon mission. She got shot down trying to lead the darts away from the gate. He's gonna want to know she's alive."

"Right. Of course. I'll let him know."

Ronon nodded to Teyla and Sheppard as he entered his quarters. As he reached for a drawer to grab a change of clothes, he saw the blood on his hands. Her blood.

"Nice to meet you."

He stormed into the bathroom, scrubbing furiously at the stains on his fingers. He hadn't recognized her with her wild curls down. He'd only ever seen her on duty, hair neatly pulled back in a ponytail or braid.

She'd been one of the first personnel on Atlantis to offer him a genuine smile and a handshake. She'd been in full combat gear, readying to head out with Major Lorne on a recon mission, but she'd lit up when Colonel Sheppard had introduced him. Her head barely reached the middle of his chest, and she was slim, long lean muscle beneath her bulky gear, but she was completely unaffected by his imposing figure. She'd extended her hand without hesitation, never taking her eyes from his even as his hand enveloped her much smaller one. She'd quickly been called to the gate and she'd turned to go, tossing one last smile over her shoulder as she said, "I hope you stick around long enough for me to see you later."

Ronon grimaced at the thought of how she'd flinched away from him today.

A knock on the door jolted him and he strode to answer it. Sheppard stood outside. "You coming?"

Ronon grunted in response and he followed John down the halls. The door to Weir's office opened, Rodney and Teyla waiting for them. "Good. You're all here. Care to fill me in now?"

"Where do we even start?" Rodney spoke up.

"Well, I don't expect we'll be trading with that planet anymore." Sheppard exchanged a glance with Teyla as he spoke, knowing she'd worked hard with Elizabeth to scout these people.

Shifting Shadows - R. DexWhere stories live. Discover now