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"Is it really her? You really found her?" Radek Zalenka came running up the hallway, Rodney McKay in tow. "McKay told me Julianna is alive?"

"Yes, Radek. We were just about to go see her. Would you like to join us?" Elizabeth gave him a smile.

"Please." Zelenka rung his hands in nervousness.

"This way." Carson nodded his head in the direction of Jules's room and lead the way.

John shuffled closer to Rodney. "I told you to tell him four days ago, when we got her back here."

"Yes, well, I was busy." John glared at him and Rodney just shrugged

"Carson, how's our patient doing?" Dr. Weir asked as they walked. It had been two days since Jules had first woken, though she'd still spent most of that time sleeping.

"Ah, she seems to be doing better. I gave her an anti-anxiety medication, and I toned down the pain medication at her request. She's more alert and focused. Teyla has been catching up with her since she woke about 20 minutes ago."

As they entered, the doors hissed and Jules tensed beside Teyla, who squeezed the hand she was already holding in comfort. Jules exhaled and whispered, "I'm not sure I'll ever get used to that again."

"Captain O'Keefe, it is wonderful to see you back on Atlantis."

Jules sat up straighter with a wince. "Dr. Weir?"

Elizabeth glanced sideways at Carson. "Yes. Sorry, I should have told you." She cleared her throat.


Jules's eyes went wide at the gentle accented voice, and one corner of her mouth tipped upwards. "Dr. Z?"

"Dr. Z, grab what you can carry. I'll take the jumper and draw them away, you get the rest of the team through the gate."
"That's an order." A broad, confident smile crossed her face, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "I'll see you at home, Z!"

"Oh, my dear, it is good to see you." Radek rushed to her side, taking her hand in both of his, fussing over her and speaking his native language.

"I told you I'd see you at home."

"What you did for us-"

Jules winced. "I didn't do anything except destroy a jumper."

"You saved our lives. My life. You're a-"

"No. Don't say it."


"Z, I didn't do anything. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me-"

"Jules. Yes. I know. But I like you're full name better." She could hear the smile in his voice and it made her chuckle.

Rodney cleared his throat from the doorway. "As heartwarming as this reunion is-"

"Yes, Rodney. I'm coming. I know you can't solve any problems without me. When you're feeling better, I should like to buy you dinner."

She chuckled. "Z, I hate to break it to you but I think it's included in the stay here."

"All the same...I'll see you soon." He kissed the back of her hand before patting it and walking away, an argument with Rodney already breaking out.

"How are you feeling?" Sheppard spoke up from across the room.

"Better, thank you, sir."

"Please. No need to be formal. Call me John."

Jules smirked. "Well if that's the case, then call me Jules, sir."

Shifting Shadows - R. DexTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang