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As soon as his boots hit the gate room floor, Ronon headed for his quarters to clean up. It was late, and the mission had taken longer than it should've. He was starving but gross, and he wanted to check on Jules. After showering and changing faster than he ever had, he headed to Jules's room and knocked quietly. No answer. Could she still be sleeping? He had no choice but to move on with no way to enter her room and no desire to intrude on her personal space.

He grabbed food from the commissary and decided to take his food to the balcony, too irritated and worried to be around anyone. As the doors whooshed open, he caught sight of a figure wrapped in a blanket not far from the door. His brow furrowed at that peculiar feeling in his mind before-

"Hey, Romeo. Welcome back."

"Little warrior...I swung by your room but-"

"Here I am." She smiled softly and tipped her head toward him as he approached.


"Nah. I already ate. Unless...you got any of that chocolate cake?"

"As a matter of fact..." Ronon smirked as he picked up the plate and placed it in her hands. He'd watched her face light up at the taste of the cake on several occasions. He enjoyed it, but tonight he'd found himself grabbing it because it reminded him of her.

"Have I told you you're my favorite?" She went to jab the cake and Ronon gently nudged her elbow when he saw her aim was way off. She snorted. "Thanks. How was the mission?"

"Long. Exhausting. Too many scientists, not enough fighting."

She laughed. "You're an adrenaline junkie."

He shrugged. "I prefer action. Makes the time go by faster."

"You realize there are other ways to kill time than to...kill...right?"

Ronon shrugged.

"Besides, science duty isn't so bad. Z and I had a lot of fun on those science missions. Well, until that last one..."

"They're a bunch of scientists. What's the worst that could happen?"

"What happened exactly? You've never said and the scientists didn't see." Ronon hoped he wasn't overstepping.

Jules hummed in response. "It was...sudden. They came out of nowhere and..." She swallowed hard, recalling the panic that'd risen in her chest as the gate activated.

"Jules...you don't have to-"

"I'd become friends with these people. I'd been on so many missions with the science crew and...there was no way they were fighting their way out of this. I was the only soldier with the team. This planet had been abandoned for so long, no one thought we'd need more than one military. I figured the wraith might disconnect the wormhole if they knew they had prey to chase."

"Dr. Z, grab what you can carry. I'll take the jumper and draw them away, you get the rest of the team through the gate."
"That's an order." A broad, confident smile crossed her face, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "I'll see you at home, Z!"
Zelenka wrapped her in a quick hug before turning away.
"Wait!" Jules shoved her automatic rifle into his hands. "Aim for the head if you can but any hit will slow them enough for you all to run through. As soon as that wormhole disconnects, you dial and get home."
"I'm not leaving you behind. We-"
"Need to get the specimens and data to Atlantis. I can handle myself. I need you to promise me you'll get them through."
"Z! Promise me." Zelenka nodded before the small woman smiled and turned away.

Shifting Shadows - R. DexWhere stories live. Discover now