Chapter 2 Atticus is a Lawyer

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Atticus is a lawyer,
He tells his kids what he is going to do. Atticus is going to defend a man named Bob Robinson. In Maycomb most people did not like colored people. They were racist, Atticus is defending a black man. He knows that
Bob Robinson is innocent but will go to jail because he his black. Atticus wants to help Bob Robinson. He knows most white people will be angry
Because he is defending a black man. Some of Atticus's relatives are not happy because he is going to help Bob
Robinson. At school Alison has a fight with a boy because he told her that Atticus is defending a nigger. Her father explains that the word "nigger"
Is very bad and she should never say it. Atticus also tells Alison that she should not fight with anyone. It is
Wrong to fight. At Christmas Alison and Jem were given rifles. Atticus tells
Them that can shoot animals. But they
Cannot kill a mockingbird. This is because mockingbirds never hurt anyone. All they do is sing. In February, a mad dog comes near Alison's house. Atticus uses the rifle to kill it. Alison and Jem do not know that their father could use a gun but he
Does not want to use it. Mrs Dubose is an old lady. She lives near Alison and Jem. Every time they walk past her house Mrs Dubose insults Atticus.
Atticus finds out that his son has cut the flowers he is angry. He tells Jem to go and apologise to Mrs Dubose. For a few weeks has to go to her house in the afternoon and read to her. Mrs Dubose is very ill but Jem does not know. One day, Atticus tells Jem that
The old lady had died.One Sunday,
Calpurnia takes Jem and Alison to her church. They are the only white people at church. Everyone is talking about Bob Robinson. When they arrive home
Aunt Alexandra is waiting for them.
She is Atticus's sister. Aunt Alexandra
Has come to stay with them for the summer. She is very angry because
Alison and Jem went to a black church
With black people. Alison and Jem do
Not like their aunt Alexandra is racist.
Even Atticus does not like her. One night, Alison was in bed. She thinks there is a snake under her bed. Alison
Is very frightened. When she looks
It is Dill. He has run away from home.
Dill's mother has married again and
He is not happy. His step dad does not love him. Atticus tells Dill that he can stay with them for the summer holidays. Also, his parents allow him to stay with the Finchs.

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